A Ba-Be Bf-Bq Br-Bz Ca-Cm Cn-Cz D E-F G Ha-He Hf-Hz I-J K L
Ma-Mc Md-Mm Mn-Mz
N-O P Q-R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-We Wf-Wz X-Y-Z
bigpigeon.us webpage WWII Dead > Roster Records > Roster Ma-Mc, © 2024 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 11 Jan 2025
Part 15/27 of the Pottawattamie Area World War II Dead Roster, 38 "Ma-Mc" records
† Maassen, Dale George, SN 457,309, US Marine Corps, Pott. Co.
† Macalister, Bruce Richard, SN 0-444,938, US Army, Douglas Co., NE
† Madden, Jerry Agnew, SN 0-1-312-691, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Madsen Earl Harvey, SN 17-197-232, US Army, Audubon Co.
† Madsen, Elmer Herman, SN 37-691-778, US Army, Audubon Co.
about Earl Harvey and Elmer Herman Madsen:
† Maeder, Burton B., SN 37-194-181, US Army, Adair Co.
† Malick, William Burton, SN 17-024-190, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Mallette, Richard Earl, SN 0-742-498, US Army Air Force, Cass & Decatur Cos.
† Mardesen, Ray Wells, SN 37-037-474, US Army, Audubon Co.
† Marshall, Warren B., SN 0-1-533-621, US Army, Pott. Co. & Geary Co., KS
† Martin, Clarence Reuben, SN 20-706-198, US Army, Mills Co.
† Martin, James Robert "Robert", SN 37-189-251, US Army, Mills Co.
about Clarence Reuben and James Robert Martin:
† Martin, Stanley Wayne, SN 37-289-074, US Army, Haakon Co., SD
† Martin, Vernon A., SN 6-857-070, US Army, Haakon Co., SD
about Stanley Wayne and Vernon A. Martin:
† Matthews, William Henry, SN 39-019-527, US Army, Harrison Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
† Maule, Kenneth C., SN 0-854-272, US Army Air Force, Harrison Co.
† Maxwell, Dean Good, SN 0-885-715, US Army, Mills Co.
† Mayr, Rudy Frank, SN 0-1-700-501, US Army Air Force, Carroll Co.
† McCauley, Donald Perry, SN 37-466-829, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† McCauley, Leon Harrold, SN 0-890-103, US Army, Pott. Co.
† McClurg, Lynn Herrig Jr., SN 37-670-277, US Army Air Force, Pott. & Woodbury Cos.
† McCord, George Melvin, SN 37-651-218, US Army Air Force, Harrison & Pott. Cos.
† McCormick, Dale Thomas, SN 20-706-807, US Army, Montgomery Co.
† McCormick, Jack Albert, SN 20-743-489, US Army, Pott. Co.
† McCracken, James Newton, SN 533,228, US Marine Corps, Crawford & Shelby Cos.
† McCue, Dudley Van, SN 6-554-498, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
† McCuen, Walter Rea, SN 321-29-61, US Navy, Audubon & Woodbury Cos.
† McDowell, Elmer Ross, SN 6-557-377, US Army, Fresno Co., CA & Pott. Co.
† McGee, Russell Phillip, served as Mc Gee, Russel P, SN 37-438-682, US Army, Taylor Co.
† McGee Victor Howard, SN 39-203-439, US Army, Shelby Co. & Lewis Co., WA
† McGraw, Willis Edward, SN 37-643-332, US Army, Shelby & Des Moines Cos.
† McGrew, Orville Festus, SN 37-111-085 or 37-111-095, US Army, Chickasaw Co.
† McIntosh, Alvia Marion, SN 37-693-543, US Army, Harrison Co.
† McKeeman, Bert Eugene, SN 316-66-65, US Navy, Pott. Co.
† McKeown, Carroll L., SN 37-628-605, US Army, Pott. Co. & Randolph Co., MO
† McLaren, William McAllister, SN 385-91-42, US Navy, Crawford Co. & Pierce Co., WA
† McLaurin, William Harold, SN 317,408, US Merchant Marine, Crawford & Shelby Cos.
† McLoud, James Fredrick, served as Long Fred O, SN 37-442-043, US Army, Pott. Co. & Washington Co., OK
- b. 15 Nov 1923 rural Avoca, Valley Twp., Pott. Co.; s/o Julieus G. Maassen (b. Valley Twp., Pott. Co.) & Sena K. Andersen (b. Avoca, Pott. Co.).
- entered service 15 Sep 1942 from Avoca, Pott. Co.; next of kin Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Maasen (sic, Maassen), Rt. 1, Avoca, IA; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 4th Marine Raider Bn.; KIA 20 Jul 1943 Bairoko, Kula Gulf area of New Georgia, Solomon Is.
- Battle of Bairoko - South & SW Pacific > Solomon Is., New Georgia.
- Notes: Posthumous Distinguished Service Cross.
† Macalister, Bruce Richard, SN 0-444,938, US Army, Douglas Co., NE
- b. 2 Jul 1921 Co. Bluffs; s/o James N. G. Macalister (b. Ontario, Canada) & Elizabeth Montgomery (b. Co. Bluffs); family moved to Omaha in 1920s.
- married Ardith L. Hardlannert of Omaha 1943.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Douglas Co., NE; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Commanding Officer, Co. K, 346th Inf. Regt., 86th Inf. Div., III Corps, Third Army; WIA 30 Apr 1945 near Berglern, Bavaria about 30 miles NE of Munich; DOW 1 May 1945.
- The ETO > Central Europe > Southern Germany.
† Madden, Jerry Agnew, SN 0-1-312-691, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 16 Jul 1910 Co. Bluffs; s/o James A. Madden (b. Huntingdon Co., PA) & Daisy W. Dewell (b. Cedar Co.).
- married Lucille Swanson of Co. Bluffs May 1942, two children.
- entered service 28 May 1942 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co Bluffs.
- Co. F, 350th Inf. Regt., 88th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; DOW 12 May 1944, near Minturno, SW of Cassino, Lazio, Italy.
- Operation Diadem, aka Fourth Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino to Rome.
- Notes: This was the beginning of the breakout from the Gustav Line, which had held up the Allies south of Rome since January.
† Madsen Earl Harvey, SN 17-197-232, US Army, Audubon Co.
- b. 13 Nov 1925 Douglas Twp., Audubon Co.
- entered service 13 Nov 1943 from Rt. 1, Audubon, Audubon Co.; service credited to Audubon Co.; buried Maple Grove Cem., Audubon.
- Co. K, 341st Inf. Regt., 86th Inf. Div.; d. 31 Dec 1944 near Reno, Nevada; died from injuries in the Bagley train wreck 17 miles west of Ogden, Utah early on 31 Dec.; 50 died, including 35 military personnel; the 86th Inf. Div. trained at Camp Howze, Texas & division members were gathering in California for deployment to the Pacific; these plans were cancelled and the division was deployed to Europe because of losses in Germany's Ardennes Counteroffensive.
† Madsen, Elmer Herman, SN 37-691-778, US Army, Audubon Co.
- b. 13 Jul 1923 Cameron Twp., Audubon Co.
- entered service 9 Mar 1944 from Rt. 1, Audubon, Audubon Co.; service credited to Audubon Co.; buried Maple Grove Cem., Audubon.
- Co. F, 26th Inf. Regt., 1st Inf. Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 30 Nov 1944 Merode, west of Düren, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; Cos. E & F, 2nd Bn., 26th Inf. Regt. advanced into eastward into Merode from the Hürtgen Forest on 29 Nov; they were cut off and overwhelmed in the Merode outskirts.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Queen/Hürtgen.
about Earl Harvey and Elmer Herman Madsen:
- sons of s/o Lars H. Madsen (b. Fyn, Denmark) & Adellia M. Lauritsen (b. Audubon Co.); family moved to rural Audubon, Leroy Twp. in early 1930s.
† Maeder, Burton B., SN 37-194-181, US Army, Adair Co.
- b. 8 May 1918 Massena, Cass Co.; s/o Joseph T. Maeder (b. Adams Co.) & Julia A. Waters (b. Massena, Cass Co.).
- entered service 5 May 1942 from Massena, Cass Co.; service credited to Adair Co.; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 7th Cavalry Regt., 1st Cavalry Div., XIV Corps, Sixth Army; KIA 11 Apr 1945 Luzon, Philippines.
- Philippines Liberated > Luzon.
† Malick, William Burton, SN 17-024-190, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 25 Nov 1921 Co. Bluffs; s/o Harold Malick (b. Harlan, Shelby Co.) & Patronella Wolfrom (b. Co. Bluffs).
- entered service 1 Aug 1941 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Camp Butler Natl. Cem., Springfield, Sangamon Co., IL.
- 6th Ferrying Sqdn., 1st Ferrying Gp., India-China Wing, Air Transport Command; based at Mohanbari, Assam, India; Douglas C-47 Skytrain/Dakota #41-38656 radio operator; DNB 2 Aug 1943, near Yunnanyi, west of Kumning, China on return cargo flight from Kumning to Mohanbari.
- China-Burma-India Theater > Crossing the Hump.
† Mallette, Richard Earl, SN 0-742-498, US Army Air Force, Cass & Decatur Cos.
- b. 16 Dec 1921 Leon, Decatur Co.; s/o Francis G. "Frank" Mallette (b. Garden Grove, Decatur Co.) & Isabel C. Freestone (b. Perry, Dallas Co.); family moved to Atlantic, Cass Co. in early 1930s.
- married Lois V. Peterson of Pymosa Twp., Cass Co. Jun 1943 at Biggs Field, El Paso, TX, one child.
- entered service 16 Jul 1940 from Atlantic, Cass Co.; service credited to Cass Co.; buried Garden Grove Cem., Decatur Co.
- 373rd Bomb. Sqdn., 308th Bomb. Gp., Fourteenth Air Force; group based at Kumning, Yunnan, China with squadron based at Yangkai near Kumning; Consolidated B-24 Liberator #42-40786 copilot with pilot Ruie W. Suggs; KIA 15 Sep 1943 near Kumning; five B-24s attempting to bomb a cement works at Haiphong near Hanoi in Indo-China were attacked by a force of around 50 Japanese fighter aircraft; three B-24s were shot down; Mallette's damaged aircraft returned to China and crashed near Kumning; all 11 or 12 on board died.
- China-Burma-India Theater > China, 1941-45.
† Mardesen, Ray Wells, SN 37-037-474, US Army, Audubon Co.
- b. 5 Dec 1917 Exira, Audubon Co.; s/o Thomas Mardesen & Grace L. Wells, both b. Audubon Co.
- entered service 24 Apr 1941 from Exira, Audubon Co.; service credited to Audubon Co.; buried Exira Cem.
- 135th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 5 Jan 1944 approaching the Gustav Line, Lazio, Italy.
- The MTO > Italy > The Bernhardt Line.
† Marshall, Warren B., SN 0-1-533-621, US Army, Pott. Co. & Geary Co., KS
- b. 5 Oct 1913 Carroll, Carroll Co.; s/o William H. Marshall (b. Kansas) & Emma M. Rehder (b. Nebraska); family moved to Co. Bluffs before 1925.
- married Rebecca Laurine Sutton of Junction City, Geary Co., KS Feb 1941 in Atchison Co., KS.
- entered service 19 Jul 1935 from Co. Bluffs, stationed at Fort Riley, KS 1940; service credited to Geary Co., KS; buried Walnut Hill Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Co. C, 104th Medical Bn., 29th Inf. Div., V Corps, First Army; WIA 14 Aug 1944 Normandy or Brittany, France; DOW 29 Aug 1944 in hospital, England.
- The ETO > Liberation > Northern France.
† Martin, Clarence Reuben, SN 20-706-198, US Army, Mills Co.
- b. 3 Aug 1923 Clayton, Adams Co., IL.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 from Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Hastings Cem., Mills Co.
- Co. I (Glenwood), 168th Inf. --> Co. I, 133rd Inf., both 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; KIA 29 Apr 1943, near Hill 609, 20 miles SW of Mateur, northern Tunisia, North Africa.
- Battle of Hill 609 - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Martin, James Robert "Robert", SN 37-189-251, US Army, Mills Co.
- b. 20 Sep 1917 Clayton, Adams Co., IL.
- worked as truck driver in Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; married Mildred Maxine Fort 2 Jan 1937 in Glenwood, Mills Co.; divorced.
- unknown service entry data; buried Hastings Cem., Mills Co.
- trainee at Camp Crowder, MO, went absent without leave returning to Red Oak; status later changed to deserter; arrested and held in Red Oak jail; escaped 16 Apr 1942 and pursued by posse; shot & killed by posse member near Red Oak.
about Clarence Reuben and James Robert Martin:
- sons of Emery F. Martin & Margaret E. Campbell, both b. Schuyler Co., IL; family moved to Hastings, Mills Co. about 1927.
† Martin, Stanley Wayne, SN 37-289-074, US Army, Haakon Co., SD
- b. 8 Mar 1911 rural Ottumwa, Iowa Twp., Stanley Co., SD.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to McLean Co., ND; buried Sicily-Rome American Cem., Nettuno, Lazio, Italy; cenotaph Midland Cem., Midland, Haakon Co., SD.
- 91st Cavalry Recon. Sqdn., attached to 9th Inf. Div., Seventh Army; KIA 15 Aug 1943, Sicily.
- The MTO > Italy > Sicily.
† Martin, Vernon A., SN 6-857-070, US Army, Haakon Co., SD
- b. 4 Aug 1908 rural Ottumwa, Iowa Twp., Stanley Co., SD.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Haakon Co., SD; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines; cenotaph Midland Cem., Midland, Haakon Co., SD.
- 808th Military Police Co.; d. 3 Jun 1942 Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija Province, Central Luzon, Philippines.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
about Stanley Wayne and Vernon A. Martin:
- sons of William S. Martin & Lyle L. Putnam (d. 1931), who were both born Pennsylvania.
† Matthews, William Henry, SN 39-019-527, US Army, Harrison Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
- b. 20 Dec 1917 Woodbine, Harrison Co.; s/o Frank A. R. Matthews (b. Osage Co., KS) & Julia A. Lewis (b. Cuyahoga Co., OH).
- moved from Woodbine to Los Angeles Co., CA to live with his brother in late 1930s.
- entered service 1942 from Los Angeles, CA at Fort MacArthur, San Pedro, CA; service credited to Los Angeles Co.; buried Woodbine Cem., Harrison Co.
- Co. L, 35th Inf. Regt., 25th Inf. Div., XIV Corps; KIA 21 Jan 1943 near Mt. Austen, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is..
- Battle of Mount Austen - South & SW Pacific > Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal.
† Maule, Kenneth C., SN 0-854-272, US Army Air Force, Harrison Co.
- b. 28 Nov 1918 rural Mondamin, Raglan Twp., Harrison Co.; s/o George F. Maule & Milda Erixon, both b. Raglan Twp.
- entered service Feb 1941 from Mondamin, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Magnolia Cem., Harrison Co.
- 386th Bomb. Sqdn., 312th Bomb Gp., based at Yontan Airfield, Okinawa, Japan; Consolidated B-32 Dominator #42-108544 gunnery officer with pilot Leonard M. Sill; KIA 28 Aug 1945 at Yontan Airfield during takeoff; aircraft skidded off the runway and exploded; crew of 13 all died.
- Japan Overpowered > Japan Vanquished.
† Maxwell, Dean Good, SN 0-885-715, US Army, Mills Co.
- b. 22 Aug 1922 Co. Bluffs; s/o Frank H. Maxwell (b. Mt. Ayr, Ringgold Co.) & Blanche E. Good (b. Atchison Co., MO); family moved from Pacific Jct., Mills Co. to Glenwood, Mills Co. in early 1930s
- entered service 10 Feb 1941 from Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Glenwood Cem.
- Co. I (Glenwood), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div. detached to British 1st Commando Battalion; DNB 11 Feb 1943, British 95th General Hospital, Algiers, Algeria, motorcycle accident injuries.
- The MTO > MTO Comm. Zone.
† Mayr, Rudy Frank, SN 0-1-700-501, US Army Air Force, Carroll Co.
- b. 23 Apr 1914 Chicago, IL; s/o Francis X. Mayr & Francis Bauer, both b. Germany; family moved to Shelby Co. before 1920.
- dentist in Carroll, Carroll Co.; married Ruth Marie Collison of Carroll Co. 1941, one child.
- entered service 7 Sep 1942 from Carroll, Carroll Co.; buried Harlan Cem., Shelby Co.
- Army Air Force Dental Corps, unit unknown; d. on active duty 10 Mar 1946 in St. Petersburg, FL, auto accident.
† McCauley, Donald Perry, SN 37-466-829, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 14 Nov 1922 Rockwell City, Calhoun Co.; s/o William G. McCauley (b. Champaign Co., IL) & Mae R. Dixon (b. Washington Co., MD); family lived in Co. Bluffs throughout 1930s.
- married Martha S. Boege of Co. Bluffs Jul 1943 in Sarpy Co., NE.
- entered service 9 Dec 1942 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 573rd Bomb. Sqdn., 391st Bomb. Gp., based at Godman Army Air Field, Fort Knox, Hardin Co., KY; d. 3 Nov 1943, base hospital, Fort Knox; pneumonia.
† McCauley, Leon Harrold, SN 0-890-103, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 31 May 1898 Neola, Pott. Co.; s/o John W. McCauley (b. Canada; d. 1933) & Olive S. Hough (b. Pott. Co.); raised in Neola; mother married William J. Clarke of Oregon 1936.
- left home before 1920 & lived in various locations including Co. Bluffs, Missouri, and Oregon; evidently married and divorced three times.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Cook Co., IL, reason unknown; buried Neola Twp. Cem.
- Quartermaster Corps, Philippines; assigned to 74th Inf. Div., Philippines Commonwealth Army; POW Philippines 1942; DOW 9 Jul 1942, POW Camp #4 O’Donnell, Tarlac, Luzon, Philippines.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† McClurg, Lynn Herrig Jr., SN 37-670-277, US Army Air Force, Pott. & Woodbury Cos.
- b. 8 Dec 1922 Underwood, Pott. Co.; s/o Lynn H. McClurg Sr. (b. Lake View, Sac Co.) & Helma M. Moat (b. Beadle Co., SD); family moved from Underwood to Wall Lake, Sac Co. in late 1930s; lived in Wall Lake with his parents in 1940; parents moved to Pierson, Woodbury Co. in 1940s.
- entered service 14 May 1944 from Pierson, Woodbury Co.; service credited to Woodbury Co.; buried Wall Lake Cem., Sac Co.
- 326th Base Unit; d. 18 Nov 1944 MacDill Army Air Field, Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL; ground crew member injured in turret of Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress #43-37678, which presumably was an aircraft used in combat crew training.
† McCord, George Melvin, SN 37-651-218, US Army Air Force, Harrison & Pott. Cos.
- b. 8 Jun 1921 Denison, Crawford Co.; s/o Melvin F. McCord (b. Grove Twp., Shelby Co.) & Adah Z. Cover (b. Dunlap, Harrison Co.); family moved from Grove Twp. to Dunlap in early 1930s; parents moved to Co. Bluffs during WWII.
- married Delores L. Hartwig of Dunlap Oct 1943 in Omaha, one child.
- entered service 26 Dec 1942 from Dunlap, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Pleasant Hill Cem., Dunlap.
- 785th Bomb. Sqdn., 466th Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Attlebridge, Norfolk, England; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #41-29466 Dark Rhapsody right waist gunner with pilot Donald C. Griffin, KIA 23 Mar 1944 over St. Jansklooster, NE of Amsterdam, Netherlands; mid-air collision with B-24 #42-52587 Shoo Shoo Baby on mission to Achmer Airfield, NW of Onsabrück, Germany; all died except two or three members off the Shoo Shoo Baby crew.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† McCormick, Dale Thomas, SN 20-706-807, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 12 Feb 1918 Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; s/o Edward B. McCormick (b. Clarinda, Page Co.) & Laura J. Johnson (b. Stanton, Montgomery Co.).
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 from Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. M (Red Oak), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; KIA 7 May 1943 approaching Chouigui Pass, Tunisia.
- The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† McCormick, Jack Albert, SN 20-743-489, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 10 Mar 1920 Co. Bluffs; s/o Albert B. McCormick (b. Saline Co., NE; d. 1941) & Eva K. Jensen (b. Co. Bluffs); family lived in Co. Bluffs, moving to nearby Garner Twp. in 1930s; married Lucille Gauntt Mar 1944 in Oklahoma City, OK.
- entered service with National Guard 12 Jan 1941 from Rt. 3, Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Ardennes American Cem., Neupre, SW of Liege, Belgium.
- Co. G, 330th Inf. Regt., 83rd Inf. Div., VII Corps, First Army, attached to 3rd Armored Div.; POW 5 Jan 1945 during German counterattack on Hill 108 near Lansival, west of Vielsalm, Belgium; perhaps processed at POW camp Stalag 12A, Limberg, east of Koblenz, Germany and then transferred to Stalag 9B, Bad Orb, NE of Hanau, Germany; DNB 3 Mar 1945; pneumonia.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† McCracken, James Newton, SN 533,228, US Marine Corps, Crawford & Shelby Cos.
- b. 23 Feb 1924 Manilla, Crawford Co.; s/o Newton B. McCracken (b. Phillips Co., KS) & Milda E. Hoffeins (b. Manilla, Crawford Co.); family lived in Jefferson Twp., Shelby Co., south of Manilla.
- entered service 10 Jul 1943 from Rt. 2, Manilla; next of kin father, Mr. Newton B. McCracken, Rt. 1, Manilla, IA; buried Nishnabotna Cem., Manilla, Crawford Co.
- Co. E or F, 9th Marine Regt., 3rd Marine Div.; KIA 25 Feb 1945 Iwo Jima, Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Battle of Iwo Jima.
† McCue, Dudley Van, SN 6-554-498, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
- b. 18 Aug 1912 Grant, Montgomery Co.; s/o William A. McCue (b. Montgomery Co.) & Rosa Mae Worley (b. McLean Co., IL); parents divorced about 1920.
- married Virginia H. _____, who was b. Nebraska.
- entered service 1934 from Elliott, Montgomery Co. or Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 78th Transport Sqdn., 22nd Transport Group, India-China Wing, Air Transport Command; based at Jorhat, Assam, India; Consolidated C-87 Liberator Express # 41-11908 crew chief with pilot Hartvig Larsen of Omaha; DNB 10 Sep 1943 on flight from Jorhat to Kumning, China; aircraft crashed in Hukawng Valley, Burma.
- China-Burma-Indian Theater > Crossing the Hump.
† McCuen, Walter Rea, SN 321-29-61, US Navy, Audubon & Woodbury Cos.
- b. Mar 1918 Audubon Co.; s/o Walter B. McCuen (b. Audubon Co.) & Ellen M. Rea (b. Woodbury Co.); family lived in Audubon Co. 1920 and 1925; parents divorced late 1920s; Walter lived with mother in Audubon Co. 1930; mother married Harold O. Masterson Feb 1931, lived in Atlantic, Cass Co. in 1935, divorced before 1940, and moved to Sioux City before 1940.
- may have lived in Harlan, Shelby Co. as a young man; entered service Mar 1939 from Iowa; next of kin mother, Mrs. Ella Masterson, 1561 Jackson St., Sioux City, Iowa; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- Submarine Tender USS Canopus (AS-9), Asiatic Fleet; scuttled in Mariveles Bay, Bataan, Philippines 10 Apr 1942; crew went ashore to Corregidor Is.; captured at Corregidor, Manila Bay, Philippines May 1942; KIA 24 Oct 1944 on Hell Ship Arisan Maru in Bashi Channel, south of Formosa; Arisan Maru sunk by submarine USS Shark (SS-314); aroound 1773 US POWs and around 100 international civilians died; nine POWs survived.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
- Notes: Arisan Maru was the most American lives lost in any maritime disaster. Walter McCuen was a cousin of Tiny Lund, a race car driver from Harlan.
† McDowell, Elmer Ross, SN 6-557-377, US Army, Fresno Co., CA & Pott. Co.
- b. 6 Nov 1914 El Monte, Los Angeles, CA; s/o William R. McDowell (b. Orange Co., CA) & Sarah A. Rush (b. California).
- married Mildred L. Harrington of Co. Bluffs Dec 1940 at Yuma, AZ.
- entered service about 1936 from Fresno Co., CA; service credited to Fresno Co.; buried Luxembourg American Cem., Hamm, Luxembourg.
- 3597 Quartermaster Truck Co.; KIA 2 Jan 1945, France (sic).
- The ETO > ETO Comm. Zone.
- Notes: possibly died in an accident in Chiligny, Lorraine, France, as Third Army moved supplies from Lorraine, France north into the Ardennes area of Belgium & Luxembourg.
† McGee, Russell Phillip, served as Mc Gee, Russel P, SN 37-438-682, US Army, Taylor Co.
- b. 20 May 1915 Harlan, Shelby Co.; s/o Earl McGee (b. Shelby Co.; d. 1928) & Helen Hilbert (b. Minden, Pott. Co.); family moved to Taylor Co. in early 1920s.
- married Nellie M. Heatherington Nov 1940, one child.
- entered service 30 Oct 1942 from Bedford, Taylor Co.; service credited to Taylor Co.; buried Rose Hill Cem., Kirkman, Shelby Co.
- Co. A, 117 Engineering Combat Bn., 37th Inf. Div., XIV Corps, Sixth Army; DNB 3 May 1945 near Baguio, northern Luzon, Philippines.
- Philippines Liberated > Luzon.
† McGee Victor Howard, SN 39-203-439, US Army, Shelby Co. & Lewis Co., WA
- b. 22 Mar 1924 Kirkman, Shelby Co.; s/o William F. "Frank" McGee (b. Harlan, Shelby Co.) & Maude A. Tucker (b. Kirkman, Shelby Co.); family lived in Douglas Twp., rural Kirkman and moved to Lewis Co., WA in late 1930s.
- entered service 8 Mar 1943 from Lewis Co., WA; service credited to Lewis Co.; buried Golden Gate Natl. Cem., San Bruno, San Mateo Co., CA.
- 307th Inf. Regt., 77th Inf. Div.; KIA 10 May 1945 on Shuri Line, southern Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Land Battle of Okinawa.
† McGraw, Willis Edward, SN 37-643-332, US Army, Shelby & Des Moines Cos.
- b. 24 Apr 1913 Wapello, Louisa Co.; s/o William C. McGraw (b. Louisa Co.) & Eliza J. Lamb (b. Hardin Co.); remained in Wapello through 1930.
- married Vella E. Wykert 1932, one child, divorced; married Helene S. Rold of Shelby Co. Sep 1941 at Kahoka, Clark Co., MO; moved to Irwin, Shelby Co. area, two children.
- entered service 14 Jul 1944 from West Burlington, Des Moines Co.; service credited to Des Moines Co.; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 132nd Inf. Regt., Americal Div.; KIA 30 Apr 1945 Cebu Is., Philippines.
- Philippines Liberated > Southern Philippines.
† McGrew, Orville Festus, SN 37-111-085 or 37-111-095, US Army, Chickasaw Co.
- b. 10 Apr 1918 Springfield, Brown Co., MN; s/o Orville F. McGrew (b. Gibson Co., IL) & Flossie K. M. Jenkins (b. Shannon Co., MO).
- entered service 31 Dec 1941 from Fredericksburg, Chickasaw Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co., reason unknown; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 126th Inf. Regt., 32nd Inf. Div.; KIA 5 Dec 1942, probably at Higgins Road Block, Sanandanda Track, Papua, New Guinea.
- Buna Campaign - South & SW Pacific > Southeast New Guinea, Papua.
† McIntosh, Alvia Marion, SN 37-693-543, US Army, Harrison Co.
- b. 10 Aug 1924 Clay Twp., Harrison Co.; s/o Henry M. McIntosh & Maggie M. Neill (d. 1938), both b. Monroe Co.
- entered service 31 Mar 1944 from Mondamin, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Calhoun Cem., Harrison Co.
- Army Transportation Corps, units mentioned are 62nd Transportation Bn. & 9th T. R. G.; DNB 14 Jun 1945 Dudweiler, near Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany.
- The ETO > ETO Comm. Zone.
† McKeeman, Bert Eugene, SN 316-66-65, US Navy, Pott. Co.
- b. 23 Jul 1916 Co. Bluffs; s/o Roy F. McKeeman (b. Stennett, Montgomery Co.) & Mae R. Kirkle (b. Burt Co., NE).
- entered service 27 Jul 1940 from Co. Bluffs; next of kin father, Mr. Roy Franklin McKeeman, 511 Stutsman St., Council Bluffs, IA; initially part of mass burial, body later identified and returned to Co. Bluffs for reinterment Nov 2018; buried Cedar Lawn Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Battleship USS Oklahoma (BB-37); KIA 7 Dec 1941 during Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii Territory; Oklahoma capsized, 429 died; Oklahoma later righted but sank while being towed to California.
- Japan Lashes Out > Pearl Harbor.
† McKeown, Carroll L., SN 37-628-605, US Army, Pott. Co. & Randolph Co., MO
- b. 13 May 1922 Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Canada; s/o William R. McKeown (b. Rock Co., NE) & Ethel N. Epperly (b. Randolph Co., MO); family lived in northern Missouri in Monroe Co. in 1930 and Randolph Co. in 1940.
- lived with sister Dorothy B. (McKeown) Cook in Co. Bluffs in 1940.
- entered service 12 Nov 1943 from St. Louis City, MO at Jefferson Barracks, MO; service credited to Macon Co., IL for unknown reason; buried Oakland Cem., Moberly, Randolph Co., MO.
- Co. F, 33rd Armored Regt., 3rd Armored Div., XVIII Airborne Corps, First Army; KIA 20 Dec 1944 with Task Force Lovelady, near Stavelot, SW of Malmedy, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Begins.
- Local History Note: Carroll McKeown was the great grandson of William McKeown, an early Boomer Twp. settler.
† McLaren, William McAllister, SN 385-91-42, US Navy, Crawford Co. & Pierce Co., WA
- b. 29 Jan 1922 rural Manilla, Nishnabotny Twp., Crawford Co.; s/o William M. McLaren (b. Iowa; d. 1930) & Althea M. McAllister (b. Morris Co., KS); lived in Nishnabotny Twp. until adulthood.
- entered service from Pierce Co., WA; next of kin mother, Mrs. Althea McLaren, Box 56, Ashford, Wash.; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines; cenotaph Nishnabotna Cem., Manila, Crawford Co.
- Cruiser USS Astoria (CA-34), KIA 9 Aug 1942 in Ironbottom Sound off Savo Is., Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.; Astoria sunk in night action, 219 died, ~ 680 survived.
- Battle of Savo Island - South & SW Pacific > Solomons Sea War.
† McLaurin, William Harold, SN 317,408, US Merchant Marine, Crawford & Shelby Cos.
- b. 4 Apr 1922 Omaha; s/o Roy L. McLaurin (b. Mississippi) & Luella M. Vennick (b. Crawford Co.); parents divorced; mother married Elmer D. Sutton in 1927; family lived in Craig, Burt Co., NE in 1930, in Harlan, Shelby Co. in 1935, and in Charles City, Floyd Co. in 1940.
- body not recovered; memorialized Gallops Island Merchant Marine Memorial, Langone Park, Boston, MA; cenotaph Nishnabotna Cem., Manila, Crawford Co.
- Tanker USS Atlantic Sun radio officer; d. 15 Feb 1943 in North Atlantic, 150 miles off Cape Race, Newfoundland; Atlantic Sun torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-607, one survived.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
† McLoud, James Fredrick, served as Long Fred O, SN 37-442-043, US Army, Pott. Co. & Washington Co., OK
- b. 8 Aug 1915 Waterloo, Black Hawk Co.; s/o Lorenzo D. McLoud (b. Iowa) & Vinnie A Burghduff (b. Wisconsin); parents divorced before 1920; lived with relatives in Walnut, Pott. Co. in 1925 and 1930.
- married Culah M. B. Pierce 1936 in Co. Bluffs, two children; in 1940 in Anamosa, Jones Co. with wife and children living in Walnut, Pott. Co.
- entered service from Washington Co., OK; service credited to Washington Co., OK; buried Luxembourg American Cem., Hamm, Luxembourg.
- 328th Inf. Regt., 26th Inf. Div., III Corps, Third Army; KIA 27 Dec 1944 near Arsdorf, Luxembourg, south of Bastogne, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Contained.