A Ba-Be Bf-Bq Br-Bz Ca-Cm Cn-Cz D E-F G Ha-He Hf-Hz I-J K L
Ma-Mc Md-Mm Mn-Mz
N-O P Q-R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-We Wf-Wz X-Y-Z
bigpigeon.us webpage WWII Dead > Roster Records > Roster Si-Ss, © 2025 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 16 Jan 2025
Part 22/27 of the Pottawattamie Area World War II Dead Roster, 23 "Si-Ss" records
† Siddens, Jack Kenneth, SN 0-329-806, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 3 Jun 1914 Co. Bluffs; s/o Charles C. Siddens (b. Seward Co., NE) & Grace M. Saunders (b. Sioux City, Woodbury Co.).
- married Alice M. Arch of Co. Bluffs.
- entered service Aug 1940 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Marion Co., AR, his temporary residence at entry into service; buried Fairview Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Commanding Officer, 3rd Bn., 17th Inf. Regt., 7th Inf. Div.; KIA 29 May 1943, Attu, Aleutian Is., Alaska Territory.
- Battle of Attu - North Pacific > Attu & Kiska.
† Simpson, Harold Elwood, SN 37-698-983, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 6 Nov 1919 Hastings, Mills Co.; s/o John F. Simpson Jr. (b. Victor, Poweshiek Co.) & Winnie G. Gustin (b. Benton Co., MO); family moved to Red Oak, Montgomery Co. in early 1920s.
- married Nettie D. Bierbaum of Griswold, Cass Co. 1937, two children.
- entered service 23 Jun 1944 from Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Hastings Cem., Mills Co.
- Co. G, 329th Inf. Regt., 83rd Inf. Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 12 Jan 1945 near Petite-Langlire, SW of Vielsalm, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Sluyter, Harry Alfred, SN 428,233, US Marine Corps, Pott. Co.
- b. 23 Nov 1922 Co. Bluffs; s/o James H. Sluyter (b. rural Co. Bluffs, Kane Twp) & Bessie F. Reninger (b. Co. Bluffs).
- entered service 28 Jul 1942 from Co. Bluffs; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sluyter, 1215 Fifth Ave., Council Bluffs, IA; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Co. B, 6th Marine Regt., 2nd Marine Div.; DOW 27 Jun 1944, Saipan, Mariana Islands.
- Battle of Saipan - Central Pacific > Mariana Islands.
† Smith, Boyd D., SN 663-18-59, US Navy, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
- b. 19 Dec 1921 Salt Lake City, UT; s/o LeRoy D. Smith & Eliza E. Teter, both b. Salt Lake City; family moved to Omaha in 1930s.
- married Evelyn Louise Hunt of Co. Bluffs, one child.
- enlisted 9 Jun 1942 at San Francisco, CA; next of kin wife, Mrs. Evelyn Louise Smith, 2017 Ave. A, Council Bluffs, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, East Coast Memorial, Battery Park, Manhattan, New York; cenotaph Mt. Olivet Cem., Salt Lake City, UT.
- Submarine USS Dorado (SS-248); KIA 12 Oct 1943 in Caribbean Sea off Panama; Dorado disappeared, crew of 78 died, possibly sunk by German naval mine, possibly by friendly fire.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
† Smith, Edgar Clifton, SN 831,389, US Marine Corps, Cass Co.
- b. 29 Dec 1924 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Theodore W. Smith (b. Lewis, Cass Co.) & Leona M. Reineke (b. Shelby, Shelby Co.).
- entered service 25 May 1943 from Atlantic, Cass Co.; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Smith, 809 Elm St., Atlantic, IA; family moved to Torrance, Los Angeles, CA in late 1940s; buried Roosevelt Cem., Gardena, Los Angeles Co., CA.
- Co. L, 7th Marine Regt., 1st Marine Div.; KIA 20 Sep 1944 Peleliu Is.
- Battle of Peleliu - Central Pacific > Palau Islands.
† Smith, Eugene McDaniel, SN 37-699-145, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 2 Sep 1925 Carson, Pott. Co.; s/o George W. Smith (b. Laclede Co., MO; 1941) & Lola B. McDaniels (b. Oakland, Pott. Co.).
- married Clara J. Morris of Carson 1944.
- entered service 26 Jun 1944 from Carson, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Carson Cem.
- Co. C, 306th Inf. Regt., 77th Inf. Div.; KIA 14 May 1945 Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Land Battle of Okinawa.
† Smith, Garland Forsythe, SN 37-679-021, US Army, Cass Co.
- b. 21 May 1925 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o William Floyd Smith (b. near Griswold, Pott. Co.) & Faye F. Forsythe (b. Lincoln Co., NE).
- entered service 13 Oct 1943 from Atlantic, Cass Co.; service credited to Cass Co.; buried Atlantic Cem.
- 115th Inf. Regt., 29th Inf. Div; XIX Corps, First Army; KIA 11 Aug 1944 near Vire, SE of St. Lo, Normandy, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Normandy.
† Smith, Henry Clayton, SN 37-480-433, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
- b. 29 Feb 1924 Malvern, Mills Co.; s/o Ernest E. "Dick" Smith (b. Cass Co., NE) & Lula A. Ripley (b. Otoe Co., NE); family lived in Fremont and Mills Co. before moving to Glenwood, Mills Co. in late 1920s.
- enlisted May 1943; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Glenwood, Cem., Mills Co.
- 494th Bomb. Sqdn., 344th Bomb. Gp., Ninth Air Force, based at Stansted, near Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire, England; Martin B-26G5 Marauder #43-34406 tail gunner; KIA 23 Sep 1944 near Venlo, SE Netherlands; aircraft shot down by flak; two crew may have survived, remaining four died.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Ninth Air Force.
† Smith, Howard Myron, SN 17-038-532, US Army Air Force, Shelby & Cass Cos.
- b. 12 Mar 1913 rural Atlantic, Clay Twp., Shelby Co.; s/o Earl M. Smith (b. Cass Co.) & Clara E. McCrory (b. Shelby Co.); family moved from Clay Twp. to Atlantic, Cass Co. in early 1940s.
- entered service 5 Jan 1942 from Atlantic, Cass Co., service credited to Cass Co.; buried Zachary Taylor Natl. Cem., Louisville, KY.
- 713th Bomb. Sqdn., 448th Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Seething, SSE of Norwich, East Anglia, England; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #42-52123 engineer with pilot James E. Urban; KIA 11 Jan 1944 near Exloo, SE of Groningen, Netherlands; aircraft attacked by German fighters, left formation and broke in several parts, crew of ten all died.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Smith, Norman Franklin, SN 37-071-817, US Army, O'Brien Co.
- b. 7 Apr 1914 Wakonda, Clay Co., SD; s/o Oscar F. Smith (b. Correctionville, Woodbury Co.) & Caroline W. "Minnie" Meyer (b. Anthon, Woodbury Co.); family lived in NW Iowa, moving to Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai Co., ID in 1948.
- entered service 6 Jun 1941 from Rt. 1, Hartley, O'Brien Co.; service credited to Shelby Co., reason unkown; buried Forest Cem., Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai Co., ID.
- 46th Armored Inf. Bn., 5th Armored Div., XV Corps, Third Army; KIA 10 Aug 1944 near Le Mans, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Normandy.
† Snyder, Charles William, SN 20-706-428, US Army, Cass Co.
- b. 18 Aug 1918 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Arthur H. Snyder (b. rural Lewis, Pott. Co.) & Estella I. Peron (b. Plymouth Co.).
- entered service with National Guard 19 Feb 1941 at Atlantic, Cass Co.; service credited to Cass Co.; buried Atlantic Cem.
- Co. K (Atlantic), 168th Inf. Regt., transferred to Co. K, 133rd Inf. Regt., both 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; KIA 8 Apr 1943 Fondouk, Tunisia.
- Battle of Fondouk Pass - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Snyder, Donald Earl, SN 316-77-14, US Navy, Harrison Co.
- b. 27 Jul 1922 Modale, Harrison Co.; s/o George D. Snyder & Millie V. Lee, both b. Modale, Harrison Co.; family lived in rural Modale.
- entered service 11 Mar 1941 from Modale, Harrison Co.; next of kin father, Mr. Dewey George Snyder, Modale, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, East Coast Memorial, Battery Park, Manhattan, New York.
- Destroyer USS Ingraham (DD-444), fast convoy AT-20 from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to Greenock, Scotland; DNB 22 Aug 1942 off Nova Scotia; Ingraham passed in front of oil tanker Chemung in dense fog; 11 survivors from crew of 208.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
- Notes: Chemung survived, perhaps without loss of life.
† Snyder, Kenneth Harvey, SN 37-484-885, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 13 May 1922 Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE; s/o Levert P. Snyder (b. Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE) & Hildagard Tschauder (b. Grand Island, Hall Co., NE); family lived in Nebraska and St. Louis, moving to Co. Bluffs in late 1930s.
- entered service 5 Sep 1943 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Grand Island Cem., Hall Co., NE.
- 315th Inf. Regt., 79th Inf. Div., XV Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 29 Sep 1944 Forêt de Parroy, near Lunéville, SE of Nancy, Meurthe et Moselle Dept., Lorraine, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Seventh Army.
† Soar, Ernest Martin, SN 970,147, US Marine Corps, Pott. Co.
- b. 21 Feb 1923 Co. Bluffs; s/o Charles H. Soar (b. Weld Co., CO) & Maude Thordsen (b. Co. Bluffs); family moved to Garner Twp., Pott. Co. in early 1930s.
- entered service 28 May 1944 from Rt. 3, Co. Bluffs; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Soar, RFD 3, Council Bluffs, IA; buried Fairview Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Co. F, 23rd Marine Regt., 4th Marine Div.; KIA 28 Feb 1945 Iwo Jima, Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Battle of Iwo Jima.
† Soe, Jens Folmer, SN 0-903-833, US Army, Audubon & Shelby Cos.
- b. 30 Aug 1911 Elk Horn, Shelby Co.; s/o Dr. Peder N. Soe (b. Denmark) & Aurora M. "Etta" Hansen (b. Omaha); family moved to nearby Kimballton, Audubon Co. in 1912.
- left Audubon in early 1930s.
- entered service 4 May 1942 from Kimballton, Audubon Co.; on Shelby Co. Honor List, service credited to Douglas Co., NE; buried Immanuel Lutheran Cem., Kimballton.
- Co. F or D, 322nd Engr. Regt., Newport, England; DNB 22/23 Aug 1942, gunshot wound.
- The ETO > ETO Comm. Zone.
† Soppe, Raymond Ferdinand, SN 37-156-293, US Army, Tripp Co., SD & Pott. Co.
- b. 5 Sep 1910 Jordan Jct., Tripp Co., SD; s/o Ferdinand Soppe (b. Lee Co., IA; d. 1933) & Angela Von Hebel (b. Germany; d. 1918); raised in Tripp Co., relatives lived near Neola and Minden, Pott. Co.
- entered service Mar 1942 from Tripp Co., SD; service credited to Tripp Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, North Africa American Cem., Carthage, Tunisia.
- Co. B, 31st Signal Const. Bn.; on HMT Rhona, part of convoy KMF-36 traversing the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to the Suez Canal, Co. B probably boarded the Rhona in Oran, Algeria and was bound for the China-Burma-India Theater via Bombay, India; KIA 26 Nov 1943 off Bougie, east of Algiers, Algeria; Rhona sunk by a German guided glide bomb; around 1,173 died, including 1,050 US personnel, around 819 survivors.
- The MTO > MTO Sea War.
- Notes: The sinking of the Rhona was the largest shipboard loss of US Army personnel during WW II.
† Sorenson, Robert H., SN 675-670, US Coast Guard, Shelby Co.
- b. 15 Aug 1922 Harlan, Shelby Co.; s/o Harry F. Sorenson & Floy E. Allen, both b. Shelby Co.
- married Olga J. Dohrman of Shelby Co.
- entered service 14 Dec 1942 from Rt. 4, Harlan, Shelby Co.; commingled USS Serpens explosion remains are interred under a memorial at Arlington Natl. Cem., Arlington, Virginia.
- Coast Guard cargo ship USS Serpens (AK-97); d. 29 Jan 1945 off Lunga Pt., Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.; Serpens exploded while loading depth charges; 196 Coast Guard personnel, 57 army stevedores, and two others died.
- WWII Japan > The Pacific Base Areas.
- Notes: The Serpens explosion was the largest one-time loss of life in Coast Guard history.
† Spark, Albert Johann, SN 37-035-953, US Army, Harrison Co.
- b. 21 Mar 1912 Lagrange Twp., Harrison Co.; s/o Carl Spark & Matilda A. Witt, both b. Germany; family lived in rural Beebeetown, Harrison Co..
- entered service 12 Mar 1941 from Rt. 3, Logan, Harrison Co.; buried Grange Cem., Boomer Twp., Pott. Co.
- Co. H, 7th Inf. Regt., 3rd Inf. Div., VI Corps, Seventh Army; DOW 17 Aug 1944, near St. Tropez, southern France.
- Operation Dragoon - The ETO > Liberation > Southern France.
† Spedding, Edward William, SN 0-767-677, US Army Air Force, Oswego Co., NY
- b. 15 Apr 1922 Oswego Co., NY; s/o William Spedding (b. Lancashire Co., England) & Flora Smith (b. Madison Co., NY).
- married Mary E. Hogan of Lewis Twp., Pott. Co.
- entered service from Oswego Co., NY; service credited to Oswego Co.; buried South Richland Cem., Pulaski, Oswego Co., NY.
- 409th Bomb. Sqdn., 93rd Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Hartwick, Norfolk, England; Consolidated B-24J Liberator #42-109815 co-pilot with pilot Eldon C. Frobish; KIA 5 Nov 1944 near Voslapp, north of Wilhelmshaven, Lower Saxony, Germany; aircraft crashed while participating in a raid on Misburg, east of Hanover, Germany (probable target was oil refineries); one survived, three bodies found & buried by Germans, five died in the water.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Spencer, George Raymond, SN 316-31-56, US Navy, Harrison Co.
- b. 21 Jun 1913 Modale, Harrison Co.; s/o Charles C. Spencer (b. Larue Co., KY) & Vera F. Baldwin (b. Reno Co., KS); family lived in rural western Harrison Co.
- entered service 6 Feb 1932 from Little Sioux, Harrison Co.; next of kin mother, Mrs. Charles C. Spencer, Rt. 1, Mondamin, IA (Died as POW); body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- Gunboat USS Oahu (PR-6), repositioned from Shanghai, China to Manila Bay, Luzon, Philippines Nov 1941, sunk off Corregidor 5 May 1942; POW on Luzon; KIA 24 Oct 1944 on Hell Ship Arisan Maru in Bashi Channel, south of Formosa; Arisan Maru sunk by submarine USS Shark (SS-314); around 1773 US POWs and around 100 international civilians died; nine POWs survived.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† Spicer, Francis Dean, SN 374,884, US Marine Corps, Page Co.
- b. 28 Feb 1921 Leon, Decatur Co.; s/o Jesse J. Spicer (b. Springfield, IL) & Estella J. "Stella" Bennett (b. Decatur Co.); family moved to Shenandoah, Page Co. in early 1920s & to Clarinda, Page Co. in late 1920s.
- entered service 16 Feb 1942 from Clarinda, Page Co.; next of kin mother, Mrs. Stella J. Spicer, 300 E. Logan St., Clarinda, IA; buried Clarinda Cem.
- Hq. Co., 1st Bn., 6th Marine Regt., 2nd Marine Div., XIV Corps; KIA 26 Jan 1943 Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.
- South & SW Pacific > Solomon Is., Guadalcanal.
† Spicer, Robert Francis, SN 0-693-421, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
- b. 27 Feb 1921 Grant, Douglas Twp., Montgomery Co.; s/o Vergil A. Spicer (b. Montgomery Co.) & Effie M. Carmichael (b. Omaha); family moved to Red Oak 1930s.
- entered service 5 Dec 1942 from Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- 570th Bomb. Sqdn., 390th Bomb Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Framlingham, Suffolk, England; Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress #42-30783 The Stork Club co-pilot with pilot Vincent De Mayo; KIA 16 Mar 1944 six miles east of Schwabish Gmund, Baden-Württemberg, Germany; aircraft attacked by Luftwaffe fighters and exploded on mission to Augsburg; eight died, two survived.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Springer, Lynn Irwin, SN 17-131-009, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 29 Aug 1924 Harlan, Shelby Co.; s/o George Howard Springer (b. rural Shelby, Shelby Co.) & Daisy J. Mott (b. Neola, Pott. Co.); family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1930s.
- entered service 30 Oct 1942 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Cedar Lawn Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 544 SE Fighter Training Sqdn., Luke Army Air Field, near Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ; Curtiss P-40L Warhawk #42-10718 aviation cadet pilot; aircraft crashed 1 Apr 1944 two miles south of Luke Field; d. 1 Apr 1944 Luke Field Hospital.
- Notes: This aircraft is recorded as having been in a previous fatal crash in 1943.