Naples to Rome: Volturno Line Bernhardt Line Anzio Gustav Line/Cassino#1 Cassino#2&3 Cassino to Rome webpage WWII Germany > MTO > Italy > The Gustav Line/Cassino #1, © 2024 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 27 Jun 2024.
This webpage summarizes the first of the four battles fought along the Gustav Line defenses on the western side of the Apennine Mountains. It is often known as the First Battle of Monte Cassino. webpage WWII Germany > MTO > Italy > The Gustav Line/Cassino #1, © 2024 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 27 Jun 2024.
This webpage summarizes the first of the four battles fought along the Gustav Line defenses on the western side of the Apennine Mountains. It is often known as the First Battle of Monte Cassino.
The Gustav Line
The First Battle of Monte Cassino
The First Battle of Monte Cassino actually consisted of three phases.
Phase 1 - The British Garigliano River crossings south of Cassino
Phase 2 - The failed US crossings of the Rapido River south of Cassino
This attack, by the 141st and 143rd Infantry Regiments of the 36th Infantry Division, a National Guard division from Texas, failed tragically.
Phase 3 - The first attack on Monte Cassino - 24 January to 11 February 1944
, About the first map on the right:
As the second map shows, 34th Division infantry companies managed to occupy major portions of the mountains near Cassino. However, the German army brought in reserves and the Allies no longer had reserves to commit. Eventually the 34th Division strength was reduced to such a level that the American troops were withdrawn. |
The Second and Third Battles of Monte Cassino
After the US Fifth Army's defeat in the protracted First Battle of Monte Cassino, elements of the British Eighth Army made two additional attempts to seize the Monte Cassino area.
Both attempts were by an ad hoc unit, the New Zealand Corps consisting of the 2nd New Zealand Division, the 4th Indian Infantry Division, and the ? Neither succeded.
Both attempts were by an ad hoc unit, the New Zealand Corps consisting of the 2nd New Zealand Division, the 4th Indian Infantry Division, and the ? Neither succeded.
The Second Battle of Monte Cassino was preceded by the tragic, and in retrospect unnecessary, Allied destruction of Monte Cassino Abby.
February 15, 1944 - The bombing of Monte Cassino Abbey.
At the insistence of some leading Allied officiers, American aircraft destroyed the historic Monte Cassino Abbey on February 15. It was later learned that the German army had observed the terms of an agreement not to use the abbey. However, after the destruction, the abbey ruins made excellent positions for the German defenders. |
The Fourth Battle of Monte Cassino
Operation Diadem, the 4th Battle of Monte Cassino.
Finally in mid-May of 1944, with extraordinary efforts by troops from many nations, the Mt. Cassino defenses fell and the Gustav Line collapsed. The Allied forces shown on this map then pressed west and northwest towards Rome. Meanwhile in the Anzio Beachhead, a breakout to the north allowed both components of Allied forces to join. The Allies liberated Rome in early June and then moved north through central Italy, where in late summer they encountered a new barrier, the Gothic Line. |
██ Pottawattamie Area WWII Dead - WWII Germany > The MTO > Italy > The Gustav Line/Cassino #1 ██
- Taken from the WW II Dead module.
† Comley, George K., SN 20-705-562, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- Co. F, 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 9 Feb 1944 near Cassino, Lazio, Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- 132nd Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 8 Feb 1944 near Cassino, Lazio, Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- Co. L, 133rd Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., Fifth Army; KIA 15 Feb 1944 Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/The Gustav Line.
- 141st Inf. Regt., 36th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 21 Jan 1943 crossing the Rapido River S of Cassino, Lazio, Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- Battery D, 403rd AAA Bn., II Corps, Fifth Army; WIA 20 Feb 1944 near Cassino, Lazio, Italy; DOW 21 Feb 1944 11th Field Hospital, San Pietro, Italy, shrapnel wound; The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- Co. B, 135th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., Fifth Army; KIA 8 Feb 1944 near Cassino, Lazio, Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- Co. B, 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div.; KIA 30 Jan 1944 N of Cassino, Lazio, Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- Hq. Co., 2nd Bn., 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 14 Feb 1944, near Cassino, Lazio, Italy; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
- 143rd Inf. Regt., 36th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; WIA 17 Jan 1944 near Rapido River, S of Cassino, Lazio, Italy; DOW 24 Jan 1944; First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > Cassino/the Gustav Line.
██ Allied Order of Battle - The Gustav Line/Cassino #1 ██
- Not yet complete. Working version is at The MTO > Italy > Order of Battle.
██ Sources for Big Pigeon's WWII Germany > The MTO > Italy > The Gustav Line/Cassino #1 webpage ██
- Salerno to Cassino (scalable maps) (United States Army in World War II, Mediterranean Theater of Operations series, Martin Blumenson, 1993, CMH #6-3) -
- Rome-Arno, 22 January-9 September 1944 (The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II, The U.S. Army Center of Military History, Clayton D. Laurie, illustrated brochure, CMH 72-20) -
- The webpage header photo, Monte Cassino Abbey Ruins, by Frank J. Davis, is courtesy of the Southern Methodist University Libraries digital collection and was found at
- The Crossing the Garigliano River map,
- The Cassino in February 1944 map is courtesy of NZ History.
- The Operation Diadem map by Gene Thorp is taken from Rick Atkinson's The Day of Battle.