webpage WWII Dead > Roster Addenda > Aggregate Roster Data, © 2025 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 16 Jan 2025
- Unlike other pages in the Roster Addenda submodule, this page doesn't include individual names. It is probably of interest only to the author.
- Data on this page should be consistent with the counts in WWII Hub.
Part 1 - Pottawattamie Area WWII Dead Summary Data (28 Jan 2024, from Part 2 below)
Roster Records
Webpage Totals (left column below) |
Roster Records 750
Veterans A-F 37
Veterans G-M 29 Veterans N-Z 33 More WWII-Era Dead 8 Total 107 |
War with Japan 268
War with Germany 389 Stateside Deaths 93 Total 750 |
Notes on above counts:
- Fatalities in Alaska and Hawaii Territories are assigned to the War with Japan.
- Note Roster Records and Foster Fatalities counts agree at 750.
Part 2 - Roster Summary Data Computations (from Roster Records & Death Locations webpages)
Roster Records
by Surname (28 Jan 2024) |
Roster Fatalities
War with Japan (28 Jan 2024) |
Roster Fatalities
War with Germany (28 Jan 2024) |
Roster Fatalities
Stateside (28 Jan 2024) |
A 28
Ba-Be 27 Bf-Bq 17 Br-Bz 30 Ca-Cm 25 Cn-Cz 27 D 34 E, F 36 G 25 Ha-He 32 Hf-Hz 23 I, J 36 K 39 L 33 Ma-Mc 38 Md-Mm 17 Mn-Mz 19 N, O 29 P 38 Q, R 31 Sa-Sh 26 Si-Ss 23 St-Sz 28 T, U, V 36 Wa-We 19 Wf-Wz 28 X-Y-Z 6 Total 750 (was 735) |
Pacific Theater 254
China-Burma-India Theater 14 Total 268 Computing Pacific Total: Pearl Harbor to Midway 45 Guadalcanal to Peleliu 63 Philippines to Okinawa 69 Other less CBI (91-14) 77 Total 254 |
Atlantic Theater 14
Mediterranean Theater 111 European Theater 264 Total 389 Computing MTO Total: North Africa 32 Italy 54 Air, Sea, CommZ 25 Total (for above) 111 Computing ETO Total: France 46 Border Areas 86 Germany 51 Air, Sea, CommZ 81 Total (for above) 264 |
Within the US 91
Latin America 2 Total 93 |
The following tables are incomplete.
Burial and Memorial Counts from First Line of Roster Records Navigation Bar
Name Roster Single Group Mem. Other
Range Count Burial Burial
A 28 20 2 6 0
Ba-Be 27 19 0 8 0
Bf-Bq 17
Br-Bz 30
Ca-Cm 25
Cn-Cz 27
D 34
E-F 36
G 25
Ha-He 32
Hf-Hz 23
I-J 37
K 39
L 33
Burial and Memorial Counts from Second Line of Roster Records Navigation Bar
Name Roster Single Group Mem. Other
Range Count Burial Burial
Ma-Mc 38
Md-Mm 17
Mn-Mz 19
Totals 74
Burial and Memorial Counts from Third Line of Roster Records Navigation Bar
Name Roster Single Group Mem. Other
Range Count Burial Burial
N-O 29
P 38
Q-R 31
Sa-Sh 26
Si-Ss 23
St-Sz 28
T-U-V 36
Wa-We 19
Wf-Wz 28
X-Y-Z 6
Burial and Memorial Counts from First Line of Roster Records Navigation Bar
Name Roster Single Group Mem. Other
Range Count Burial Burial
A 28 20 2 6 0
Ba-Be 27 19 0 8 0
Bf-Bq 17
Br-Bz 30
Ca-Cm 25
Cn-Cz 27
D 34
E-F 36
G 25
Ha-He 32
Hf-Hz 23
I-J 37
K 39
L 33
Burial and Memorial Counts from Second Line of Roster Records Navigation Bar
Name Roster Single Group Mem. Other
Range Count Burial Burial
Ma-Mc 38
Md-Mm 17
Mn-Mz 19
Totals 74
Burial and Memorial Counts from Third Line of Roster Records Navigation Bar
Name Roster Single Group Mem. Other
Range Count Burial Burial
N-O 29
P 38
Q-R 31
Sa-Sh 26
Si-Ss 23
St-Sz 28
T-U-V 36
Wa-We 19
Wf-Wz 28
X-Y-Z 6
Roster Fatalities Commentary
In theater, in both the War with Japan and the War with Germany, United States armed forces rear echelon deaths among support troops were relatively uncommon, except for accidents.
- This was the first major war in which United States military personnel did not suffer a large percentage of deaths from disease.
- Most Army Air Force deaths were among flight crews.
- Most other Army and Marine deaths were among divisional troops.
- Most Navy deaths were among ship or air crew members.
About WWII Roster Fatalities in the Contiguous United States (not current)
Of the over 600 WWII Roster dead, 69 (old count) died stateside while in service, nearly half in aircraft accidents.
The number of accidental aviation deaths during WWII, both stateside and in theater, was horrendous.
Of the over 600 WWII Roster dead, 69 (old count) died stateside while in service, nearly half in aircraft accidents.
The number of accidental aviation deaths during WWII, both stateside and in theater, was horrendous.
Deaths not due to disease: (total 49)
Deaths due to disease: (total 9)
Cause of death unknown: 6 |
Part 3 - Tabulating Roster Member Burial and Memorial Data
(under development Oct 2024)
(under development Oct 2024)
Roster Records
(from Part 2) A 28 Ba-Bm 36 Bn-Bz 38 Ca-Cm 25 Cn-Cz 27 D 34 E, F 36 G 25 Ha-He 32 Hf-Hz 23 I, J 36 K 39 L 33 Ma-Mm 55 Mn-Mz 19 N, O 29 P 38 Q, R 31 Sa-Sm 36 Sn-Sz 41 T, U, V 36 Wa-We 19 Wf-Wz 28 X-Y-Z 6 Total 750 (was 735) |
(excluding at sea) 22 28 27 |
6 8 11 |
to Resolve |
Part 4 - Anomalies (may move elsewhere after completion) done through H
Group Burial:
- Alter, Earl Carlton - Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem.
- Blizzard, Howard Leslie - maybe Natl. Cem. of the Pacific
- Bostedt, Glen Charles - Zachary Taylor Natl. Cem., Louisville, KY
- Davis, August William Jr. - Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem.
- Gettys, Joe Lynam Jr. - Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem.
- Grett, Gerald LaVern - Memphis Natl. Cem., Memphis, TN.
- Hansen, Hans Folmer Rattenborg Jr., USS Pickney - Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem.
- Heberlee, Henry Leroy - Ft. McPherson Natl. Cem.
- Hetrick, Jacob Alvin - Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem.
- Hildebrand, Gilbert Dean - Camp Butler Natl. Cem., Springfield, IL
- ....
- Sorenson, Robert H. - Arlington Natl. Cem.
- Curry, Jack Benton - US Merchant Marine, SS Pan Massachusetts
- Goodwin, Ralph H. - Morrison-Knutson employee captured at Wake Island
- Johnson, Arthur Burdick - US Merchant Marine, stranded in Manila, Philippines when war began
- Kraschel, Richard Nelson - Bell Aircraft test pilot
- McLaurin, William Harold - US Merchant Marine,
- Christensen, Darwin Arthur - Courts of the Missing, Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu
- Isbell, Arnold J. - Courts of the Missing, Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu
- Leach, William Ellsworth - Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem.
- Mowrey, Robert Edward - Courts of the Missing, Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu.
- Bates, Stuart McCain
- Copeland, Donald Walter - missing on training flight from continental US over Atlantic.
- Garrean, Elwood Eugene - missing on training flight from continental US over Gulf of Mexico.
- Heckman, Fred Herman - swept overboard on USS Ibex (IX-119) day after leaving San Pedro, CA bound for Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Rannells, Robert Vance - appears in database with surname of Rannels.
- Ripley, William Lewis? - missing on flight near continental US after cessation of hostilities
- Stranathan, Dale Chester - appears in database with surname of Stranahan.
- Viberg, Oscar Nels - died in California
- McKeeman, Burt Eugene -
Part 4 - About the Pottawattamie Area Ancillary WWII-Era Dead
- 97 known Pottawattamie area WWII veterans died after separation from service but before the end of 1950.
- I can safely say that several of these veterans died from consequences of their service. However, I initially assumed that many of these veterans died from injuries or exotic diseases due to their previous service. This was not the case. Nearly half died from accidents, over half of the others from noninfectious diseases.
The following now out-of-date list was compiled from Jun 2021 data.
Deaths not due to disease: (total 30)
Cause of death unknown: 2 |
Deaths due to disease: (total 20)
Sources for Big Pigeon's WWII Roster > Roster Addenda > Aggregate Roster Data webpage:
- The webpage header photo, National WWII Memorial, is courtesy of