Big Pigeon in Southwest Iowa
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Upon My Death
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Photos - Recent
Christiansen/Rasmussen News
Larsen/Hansen News
Allied Families
Wall of Honor
St. Paul's
Early Families
Early Families Help
Early Families More Lists
St. Paul's Roots
St. Paul's Timeline
St. Paul's Resources
Iowa History
The Missouri River
The Native Americans
The Colonial Period
The Louisiana Purchase
Iowa Land Cessions
SW Iowa History
The Corps of Discovery
Middle Missouri Fur Trade
Yellowstone Expedition
The Potawatomi Years
The Mormon Years
Political Organization
Population Data
Transportation Maps
Pott. Co. History
Big Pigeon Area
Nearby Towns
Honey Creeek
Lost Locales
Danes from Dronninglund
Maps & Plats
Big Pigeon Galleries
Gallery 1 - Area Historic Structures
Gallery 2 - Grange Sunday School
Gold Star Avoca
Cuppy's Grove
LDS History
LDS Links
Gallery 1 - Mormon Maps
A House Divided
Niels Peder Pedersen
Ane Katrine Pedersen
Kirsten Pedersen
Kirsten's Story
Kirsten's LDS Daughters
Kirsten's Daughter, Karen Bondo
Kirsten's Son, Anders Johnson
Kirsten's Niece, Christine Mortensen
Kirsten's Niece, Anne Marie Larsen
More History
Pott. Co. Addendum
American History
Roster Records
Roster A
Roster Ba-Be
Roster Bf-Bq
Roster Br-Bz
Roster Ca-Cm
Roster Cn-Cz
Roster D
Roster E-F
Roster G
Roster Ha-He
Roster Hf-Hz
Roster I-J
Roster K
Roster L
Roster Ma-Mc
Roster Md-Mm
Roster Mn-Mz
Roster N-O
Roster P
Roster Q-R
Roster Sa-Sh
Roster Si-Ss
Roster St-Sz
Roster T-U-V
Roster Wa-We
Roster Wf-Wz
Roster X-Y-Z
Ancillary Records
Veterans A-F
Veterans G-M
Veterans N-Z
More WWII Era Dead
Council Bluffs
Rural Pott. Co.
Harrison Co.
Shelby Co.
Audubon Co.
Cass Co.
Montgomery Co.
Mills Co.
Other SW Iowa Counties
Other Iowa Counties
Other States
Land, Air, Sea Dead
Land Dead
Division Dead - Japan
Division Dead - Germany
Other Land Dead
Air Dead
Sea Dead
Death Locations
Pearl Harbor to Midway
Guadalcanal to Peleliu
Philippines to Okinawa
Other War w/ Japan Dead
The Battle of the Atlantic
The MTO - North Africa
The MTO - Italy
The MTO - Air, Sea, CommZ
The ETO - France
The ETO - Border Areas
The ETO - Germany
The ETO - Air, Sea, CommZ
Roster Addenda
Awards for Valor
Members Not in St. Paul's
Aggregate Roster Data
Roster Sources
1946 War Dept. Report
1946 Navy Dept. Report
Pott. Area
1945 Pott. Co. Dead List
Roster Photos
Roster Photos - Contents
Photos of Individuals
Land War with Japan
Air War with Japan
Sea War with Japan
Land War with Germany
Air War with Germany
Sea War with Germany
Roster Outliers
County Assignment
Navy Dept. Omissions
Multiple Names
Miscellaneous Exclusions
Pott. Co. Discrepancies
Roster Additions
2024 Additions Log
2022-2023 Additions Log
2020-2022 Additions Log
About the Roster
Roster Planning
Big Pigeon & WWII
WWII Overview
WWII Organization
Web Sources
Web - Personnel
Web - Japan
Web - Germany
WWII Personnel
Service Numbers
WWII Casualties
About WWII Casualties
Casualties - Army
Casualties - Navy
Casualties - Marine Corps
War Dept. Dead
Navy Dept. Dead
WWII Prisoners of War
WWII Burials
WWII Missing
About Iowa Casualties
Ground Forces
Army Campaigns
High Level Organization
Infantry Organization
Infantry Equipment
Ground Forces - Japan
WWII in The Air
WWII at Sea
WWII at Home
Civilian Victims
Strategic Bombing
The Cold War
World War I
Iowa In World War I
WWII Japan - Overview
Order of Battle
OOB - Armies & Corps
OOB - Divisions
OOB - South Pacific
OOB - Southwest Pacific
OOB - Central Pacific
OOB - Philippines Liberated
OOB - Iwo Jima & Okinawa
Japan Ascendant
Japan Lashes Out
Pearl Harbor, 1941
Guam & Wake Island
Malaya & Singapore Lost
The Dutch Indies Lost
The Philippines Lost
Northern Melanesia, 1942
Japan Overreaches
1942 Carrier Raids
Coral Sea
South & SW Pacific
Securing Australia
Solomon Is., Guadalcanal
Naval War, Guadalcanal
SE New Guinea, Papua
Isolating Rabaul
Solomon Is., New Georgia
Solomon Is., Bougainville
Naval War, New Georgia & Bougainville
NE New Guinea, Lae to Madang
Bismarck Archipelago
Western New Guinea
North Pacific
Attu & Kiska
Pacific Lend-Lease Routes
Toward the Philippines
Central Pacific
Gilbert Islands
Marshall Islands
Palau Islands
Mariana Islands
Philippines Liberated
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Philippines Naval War
Southern Philippines
Iwo Jima & Okinawa
Iwo Jima
Land Battle of Okinawa
Naval Battle of Okinawa
Japan Overpowered
Japan Under Attack
Japan Vanquished
Naval War with Japan
US Submarine Force
Third & Fifth Fleets
Air Force War with Japan
Fifth Air Force
Seventh Air Force
Thirteenth Air Force
Twentieth Air Force
The Pacific Base Areas
CBI Theater
China, 1941-45
India, 1942-45
Burma, 1941-45
Crossing the Hump
WWII Germany Overview
Battle of the Atlantic
MTO Background
MTO Overview
North Africa
North Africa - Order of Battle
Operation Torch
The Race to Tunis
Italy - Order of Battle
Italy - Sources
Italy Leaves the Axis
Naples to Rome
The Volturno Line
The Bernhardt Line
Battle of Anzio
The Gustav Line/Cassino #1
Cassino #2 & #3
Cassino to Rome
Rome To Florence
Northern Apennines
North Apennines - 1944
North Apennines - 1945
The Po Valley
+ April 1945 Breakthrough
+ Advance to the Po
+ Beyond the Po
MTO Air War
MTO Sea War
MTO Comm. Zone
ETO Overview
ETO Background
ETO Orders of Battle
ETO Unit Subordination
Normandy Campaign
ETO, 6 June 1944
Normandy, June 1944
ETO, 30 June 1944
Normandy, July 1944
After D-Day
Operation Cobra
ETO, 1 August 1944
Northern France & Belgium
ETO, 25 August 1944
Southern France
War of Attrition, 1944
ETO, September 1944
Netherlands, 1944
Rhineland, 1944
V Corps at the West Wall
Hürtgen Forest
Operation Queen
Last 1944 Offensives
Lorraine/Alsace, 1944
Lorraine/Third Army
Lorraine/Seventh Army
Alsace/Seventh Army
ETO, December 1944
Ardennes/The Bulge
Before the Bulge
The Bulge Begins
The Bulge Grows
Ardennes, 25 December 1944
The Bulge Contained
The Bulge Eliminated
Ardennes/Bulge Details
Ardennes/Bulge Overview
Alsace-Lorraine, 1945
Nordwind Counterattack
Colmar Pocket
Seventh Army in Stasis
Siegfried Line, 1945
ETO, 26 January 1945
Operation Blackcock
First US Effort
Roer River Dams
VIII Corps to Prüm
XII Corps to Bitburg
XX Corps to Trier
To the Rhine
ETO, 1 March 1945
Ops. Veritable & Grenade
Operation Lumberjack
Operation Undertone
Mid-Rhineland February 1945
Ninth & First Armies
Third & Seventh Armies
Central Europe
Crossing the Rhine
Beyond the Rhine
ETO, 4 April 1945
Central Germany
Southern Germany
Germany Surrenders
ETO Air War
Eighth Air Force
Ninth Air Force
ETO Comm. Zone
ETO Sea War
The Eastern Front
Towns webpage
History >
Big Pigeon Area > Nearby Towns > Neola
, updated by RAC 18 Oct 2023.
From the 1884-85 I
owa Gazetteer and Business Directory
, Volume 3, pp. 757-758