webpage History > SW Iowa History > Yellowstone Expedition, updated by RAC 18 Oct 2023.
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In 1819, during the James Monroe administration, and with John C. Calhoun as Secretary of War, the United States organized a massive peacetime military operation called the Yellowstone Expedition. The expedition was meant as a show of force on the upper Missouri River against the British to the north. At the time, the boundary between the United States and Canada was still undetermined.
The Yellowstone Expedition, led by Colonel Henry Atkinson and consisting of 1,126 members of the 6th US Infantry and 1st Rifle Regiments; a subsidiary scientific party from the Army Corps of Engineers headed by Major Stephan Long; and an unknown number of civilians.
The Yellowstone Expedition, led by Colonel Henry Atkinson and consisting of 1,126 members of the 6th US Infantry and 1st Rifle Regiments; a subsidiary scientific party from the Army Corps of Engineers headed by Major Stephan Long; and an unknown number of civilians.