A Ba-Be Bf-Bq Br-Bz Ca-Cm Cn-Cz D E-F G Ha-He Hf-Hz I-J K L
Ma-Mc Md-Mm Mn-Mz
N-O P Q-R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-We Wf-Wz X-Y-Z
bigpigeon.us, webpage WWII Dead > Roster Records > Roster Ha-He - © 2025 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 22 Jan 2025
Part 10/27 of the Pottawattamie Area World War II Dead Roster, 32 "Ha-He" records
† Haberberger, Leonard Joseph, SN 37-490-431, US Army, Shelby & Harrison Cos.
† Halbert, Dean Warren, SN 20-706-778, US Army, Montgomery Co.
† Hale, Donald Max, SN 0-764-659, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
† Halladay, Robert Monroe, SN O-115172, US Naval Aviation, Pott. Co.
† Halterman, Claude Allen Jr., SN 0-767-204, US Army Air Force, Ventura Co., CA
† Hammer, Melvin John, SN 37-694-414, US Army, Crawford Co.
† Hansen, Arnt Billy, SN O-165735, US Navy, Pott. Co.
† Hansen, Hans Folmer Rattenborg Jr., SN 648-20-40, US Navy, Pott. Co.
About Arndt Billy & Hans Folmer Hansen:
† Hansen, Elvin Emsley/Everett, SN O-739-093, US Army Air Force, Harrison & Shelby Cos.
† Hansen, Lawrence George, SN 37-120-519, US Army, Shelby & Pott. Cos.
† Hansen, Matthias Peter, SN 39-839-172, US Army, Humboldt Co., CA
† Hansen, Maurice Edward, SN 37-659-408, US Army, Cass & Audubon Cos.
† Hansen, Robert Victor, SN 37-472-746, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Hansen, Warren Gamaliel, SN 859-83-39, US Navy, Audubon Co.
† Hansman, Jack, SN 7-060-421, US Army, Pott. & Crawford Cos.
† Harlan, Martin Edward, SN 193156, US Navy, Guthrie & Monona Cos.
† Harper, Paul Maurice, SN T-003-439, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
† Hartje, Lamar Hugo, SN 316-57-45, US Navy, Pott. Co.
† Hartkopf, Paul Otto, SN 37-479-719, US Army Air Force, Cass Co.
† Hartwig, Harold William, SN 37-260-353, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Hayes, Robert Albert, SN O-1-297-536, US Army, Montgomery Co. & Buchanan Co., MO
† Heberlee, Henry Leroy, SN 17-033-411, US Army Air Force, Guthrie Co.
† Heckman, Gail Wayne, SN 620-18-37, US Navy, Cass Co.
† Heckman, Fred Herman, SN 375-78-78, US Navy, Audubon Co.
† Heckman, John Phillip, SN 37-118-341, US Army, Audubon Co.
About Fred Herman & John Phillip Heckman:
† Heilig, Kenneth Otto, SN O-1-311-299, US Army, Pierce Co., WA & Crawford Co.
† Hemsted, John, SN 39-925-782, US Army, Cass Co. & Bannock Co., ID
† Henderson, Harry Gregory, SN 872-01-35, US Navy, Buchanan Co., MO
† Henderson, Max O., SN 37-485-581, US Army, Pott. Co. & Thayer Co., NE
† Henderson, Robert William, SN 20-706-543, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Herrell, George Walter, SN 37-699-107, US Army, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
† Hetrick, Jacob Alvin, SN O-733-132, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 3 Aug 1925 Dunlap, Harrison Co.; s/o George B. Haberberger (b. Osage Co., MO) & Anna K. Gross (b. Shelby Co.); family lived in various locations, mostly NW Shelby Co. and NE Harrison Co.
- entered service 17 Feb 1944 from Rt. 2 Dunlap; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Lorraine American Cem., St. Avold, Lorraine, France.
- Co. G, 10th Inf. Regt., 5th Inf. Div., XX Corps, Third Army; DNB 16 Dec 1944 near Saarlautern (now Saarlouis), west of Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Third Army.
† Halbert, Dean Warren, SN 20-706-778, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 11 Feb 1923 rural Elliott, Pilot Grove Twp., Montgomery Co.; s/o George A. Halbert (b. Montgomery Co.) & Minnie May Gemmill (b. Adams Co.); family moved to Red Oak, Montgomery Co. 1924.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. M (Red Oak), 168th Inf. Reg., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; captured 16 Feb 1943 near Sidi Bou Zid ; sent to Stalag 2-B in north Germany; DNB 28 Aug 1943 at a work camp at Gambin near Stolp, Pomerania; executed with Franklin Reed after failing to return in a timely manner from a toilet break.
- Battle of Sidi Bou Zid - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Hale, Donald Max, SN 0-764-659, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
- b. 5 Mar 1921 rural Villisca, Douglas Twp., Adams Co.; s/o Francis P. Hale & Ethel M. Garrison, both b. Harrison Co., MO; family moved to Montgomery Co. in early 1920s and to Villisca in early 1930s.
- entered service 23 Sep 1942 from Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Villisca Cem., Montgomery Co.
- Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress #42-107133 co-pilot with pilot Dennis E. Lence; d. 18 May 1944 near New Underwood, seven miles east of Rapid City Army Air Force Base; in a formation of B-17s organizing for a flight eastward towards the European Theater, aircraft nose dived into the ground from a height of around 2,000 feet with cause unknown; all ten died.
† Halladay, Robert Monroe, SN O-115172, US Naval Aviation, Pott. Co.
- b. 6 Nov 1918 Co. Bluffs; s/o Albert M. Halladay (b. Hancock, Pott. Co.; d. 1937) & Imo Pearl Garber (b. Audubon Co.); family lived in Hancock, Pott. Co. & Letcher, Sanborn Co., SD.
- married Phyllis M. Benson of Nebraska.
- entered service Jun 1941 from Hancock, Pott. Co.; next of kin wife, Mrs. Phyllis Marie Halladay, Ewing, NE; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, East Coast Memorial, Battery Park, Manhattan, New York; cenotaph Oaklawn Cem., Oakland, Pott. Co.
- Naval Air Scout Squadron VS-2 or VS-1D15, based at Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone; Vought OS2N-1 Kingfisher BuNo 01408 pilot; DNB 5 Nov 1942 in Caribbean Sea NE of Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone; aircraft accident.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
† Halterman, Claude Allen Jr., SN 0-767-204, US Army Air Force, Ventura Co., CA
- b. 17 May 1922 Carson, Pott. Co.; s/o Claud A. Halterman Sr. (b. Ray Co., MO) & Bertha M. Berry (b. St. Louis, MO); family moved to Ventura Co., CA in 1920s.
- entered service 15 Oct 1942 from Ventura Co., CA; service credited to Ventura Co., MO; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, Netherlands American Cem., Margraten, SE of Maastricht, Netherlands.
- 390th Fighter Sqdn., 366th Fighter Gp., Ninth Air Force; based at Asch, Zutendaal, Belgium; Republic P-47 Thunderbolt #42-28098 pilot; KIA 28 Feb 1945 near Grevenbroich, SW of Düsseldorf, Germany; aircraft hit by flak & crashed.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Ninth Air Force.
† Hammer, Melvin John, SN 37-694-414, US Army, Crawford Co.
- b. 28 Oct 1924 rural Dunlap, Boyer Twp., Crawford Co.; s/o William F. Hammer (b. Carroll Co.) & Clara M. Ress (b. Carroll or Audubon Co.).
- entered service 3 Apr 1944 from Denison, Crawford Co.; service credited to Crawford Co.; buried Zion Lutheran Cem., Denison.
- Co. F, 475th Inf. Regt. (the MARS long range penetration unit which fought in northern Burma), DOW 2 Feb 1945 northern Burma.
- China-Burma-India Theater > Burma, 1941–45.
† Hansen, Arnt Billy, SN O-165735, US Navy, Pott. Co.
- b. 6 Aug 1920 Atlantic, Cass Co.
- US Naval Academy class of 1943, which graduated in 1942; entered service 19 Jun 1942 from Co. Bluffs; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Folmer Hansen, 215 S. 14th St., Fargo, ND; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, Cambridge American Cem., Coton, Cambridgeshire.
- Destroyer USS Leary (DD 158), Task Group 21.14, formed around the Escort Carrier USS Card (CVE 11); German reconnaissance aircraft spotted the task group in the North Atlantic on 24 Dec 1943 and the German submarine wolf pack Borkum was ordered to attack; KIA 24 Dec 1943 at 45N, 22W, about 700 miles NE of Azores; submarine U-275 torpedoed and sank Leary; 97 died, 59 survived.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
† Hansen, Hans Folmer Rattenborg Jr., SN 648-20-40, US Navy, Pott. Co.
- b. 25 Jul 1919 Elk Horn, Shelby Co.
- married Margery Ann Gretzer of Co. Bluffs.
- entered service Feb 1942 from Crescent, Pott. Co.; next of kin wife, Mrs. Margery Ann Hansen, 332 Lawton Terrace, Council Bluffs, IA; group burial Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem., St. Louis, MO.
- Evacuation Transport USS Pickney (APH-2); KIA 28 Apr 1945 Hagushi Bay, off SW coast of Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan; Pickney damaged by kamikaze attack, 16 patients and 18 crew died.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Naval Battle of Okinawa.
About Arndt Billy & Hans Folmer Hansen:
- Sons of Hans Folmer Hansen Sr. (b. Elk Horn, Shelby Co.) & Kristina D. Rattenborg (b. Audubon Co.); family moved from Elk Horn to Co. Bluffs in the 1920s & to Fargo, Cass Co., ND in the late 1930s.
† Hansen, Elvin Emsley/Everett, SN O-739-093, US Army Air Force, Harrison & Shelby Cos.
- b. 4 Dec 1917 rural Earling, Grove Twp., Shelby Co.; s/o Charles E. Hansen and Lenora C. Crandall, both b. Gallands Grove, Shelby Co.; family lived in various Harrison Co. locations before moving to Missouri Valley, Harrison Co. in late 1930s
- moved to California late 1930s.
- enlisted 14 Apr 1942 in Los Angeles Co., CA; service credited to Harrison Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Courts of the Missing, Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
- 869th Bomb. Sqdn., 497th Bomb. Gp, XXI Bomber Cmd., 20th Air Force, based at Isley Army Air Field, Saipan, Mariana Is.; Boeing B-29 Superfortress #42-24595 Pacific Union bombardier with aircraft commander Leonard L. Cox; KIA 14 Jan 1945 NW of Saipan on a mission to Nagoya, Japan, after leaving base, #3 engine caught fire and Captain Cox decided to ditch; aircraft exploded when ditching; seven died, four rescued by destroyer.
- Air Force War with Japan > Twentieth Air Force.
† Hansen, Lawrence George, SN 37-120-519, US Army, Shelby & Pott. Cos.
- b. 3 Jun 1919 Plankinton, Aurora Co., SD; s/o George F. Hansen (b. Fairview Twp., Shelby Co.) & Emma Pamperin (b. Shelby Twp., Shelby Co.); family lived in South Dakota, moving to Harlan, Shelby Co. in the early 1930s, to Norwalk Twp., Pott. Co. in the late 1930s, and back to Harlan in the early 1940s.
- married Darlene E. Conklin of Avoca, Pott. Co. 1943, two children.
- entered service 3 Dec 1941 from Rt. 1, Underwood, Pott. Co.; service credited to Shelby Co.; buried Henri-Chapelle American Cem., Verviers, SE of Liege, Belgium.
- 32nd Armored Regt., 3rd Armored Div.; WIA; DOW 10 Jan 1945 in hospital, Vielsalm, west of St. Vith, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Hansen, Matthias Peter, SN 39-839-172, US Army, Humboldt Co., CA
- b. 28 Feb 1909 Pellworm Is., Nordfriesland, Germany; s/o Peter M. Hansen; immigrated via Hamburg, Germany Jul 1928; settled in northern California.
- enlisted San Francisco, CA 9 May 1942; service credited to Humboldt Co., CA; buried Sicily-Rome American Cem., Nettuno, Lazio, Italy.
- 30th Inf. Regt., 3rd Inf. Div.; KIA 31 Jan 1944 Anzio Beachhead, Lazio, Italy.
- The MTO > Italy > Battle of Anzio.
- Notes: WWII press release, probably erroneous, gives connection to Hancock, Pott. Co.
† Hansen, Maurice Edward, SN 37-659-408, US Army, Cass & Audubon Cos.
- b. 16 Jun 1921 rural Wiota, Franklin Twp., Cass Co.; s/o George H. Hansen (b. Audubon Co.) & Louise C. M. Heiken (b. Palo Alto Co.); family moved to Oakfield Twp., SW Audubon Co. in late 1920s.
- entered service 17 Feb 1943 from Rt. 2, Atlantic, Audubon Co.; service credited to Cass Co.; buried Atlantic Cem., Cass Co.
- Co. I, 22nd Inf. Regt., 4th Inf. Div., V Corps, First Army; Died of Wounds 3 Sep 1944 near St. Quentin, northern France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Northern France & Belgium.
† Hansen, Robert Victor, SN 37-472-746, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 9 Oct 1917 Co. Bluffs; s/o Walter J. Hansen (b. Iowa; d. 1937) & Ida Murphy (b. Mills Co.).
- married Dorothy A Wallace of Co. Bluffs, one child.
- entered service 16 Feb 1943 from Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Cedar Lawn Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Co. E, 346th Inf. Regt., 87th Inf. Div; KIA 9 Jan 1945, Jenneville, west of Bastogne, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Hansen, Warren Gamaliel, SN 859-83-39, US Navy, Audubon Co.
- b. 26 Dec 1921 rural Fiscus, Douglas Twp., Audubon Co.; s/o John C. Hansen & Jennie Nielsen, both b. Denmark; family lived in Viola area of Audubon Co..
- entered service 20 Nov 1943 from Rt. 1, Gray, Audubon Co.; buried Arlington Heights Cem., Audubon, Audubon Co.
- Landing Craft Tank LCT-785; d. 2 Jan 1946 on beach at Gushikawa, Chimu Wan, Okinawa; about 17 crew from six landing craft died when LCT-560, laden with munitions for disposal at sea, exploded.
- WWII Japan > The Pacific Base Areas.
† Hansman, Jack, SN 7-060-421, US Army, Pott. & Crawford Cos.
- b. 22 Feb 1922 Co. Bluffs; adopted s/o Henry J. Hansman Jr. (b. Crawford Co.) & Sara E. Jeffers (b. Reno Co., KS); family lived in the West Side, Crawford Co., area.
- entered service Mar 1940 from West Side, Crawford Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Westside Cem.
- Battery C, 90th Field Artillery Bn., 25th Inf. Div.; DOW 13 Apr 1945 about 200 miles north of Manila, Luzon, Philippines.
- Battle of Balete Pass - Philippines Liberated > Luzon.
† Harlan, Martin Edward, SN 193156, US Navy, Guthrie & Monona Cos.
- b. 14 Apr 1911 Stuart, Guthrie Co.; s/o Wilbur G. Harlan (b. Peoria Co., IL; d. 1941) & Lillian Russell (b. Scott Co., IA; d. 1914).
- attended University of Iowa 1934-38; married Lillian E. McCone of rural Polk Co. 1938, three children; physician in Onawa, Monona Co.
- entered service 24 Sep 1942 from Onawa, Monona Co.; next of kin wife, Mrs. Lucille E. Hanlan (sic), 120 West 3rd So., Onawa, IA; buried White Oak Cem., Elkhart Twp., Polk Co.
- attached as a medical officer to Marine Corps in the Southwest Pacific Area; DNB 20 Feb 1943 Mornington, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- WWII Japan > The Pacific Base Areas.
† Harper, Paul Maurice, SN T-003-439, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
- b. 14 Sep 1922 Centralia, Nemaha Co., KS; s/o Charles J. Harper & Alice K. Dalton, both b. Fremont Co.; family lived in Centralia-Vermillion area in NE Kansas, moved to Malvern area, Mills Co. about 1942.
- worked for Douglas Aircraft in El Segundo, CA in 1941.
- entered service 23 Nov 1942 from Rt. 1, Malvern, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Malvern Cem.
- Night fighter training school, 450th Army Air Force Base Unit, Hammer Field, Fresno, CA; d. 17 Dec 1944 three miles west of Madera, Madera Co., CA; training exercise on Douglas TP-70B #42-86900, a Douglas A-20 Havoc variant; aircraft stalled while maneuvering, four died.
† Hartje, Lamar Hugo, SN 316-57-45, US Navy, Pott. Co.
- b. 5 Nov 1921 rural Neola, Washington T., Pott. Co.; s/o George P. Hartje (b. Neola, Pott. Co.) & Emma D. Guttau (b. Neola, Pott. Co.).
- entered service 22 Feb 1939 from rural Neola, Pott Co.; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartje, McClelland, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cam., Luzon, Philippines; cenotaph St. Paul Cem., Treynor, Pott. Co.
- Submarine Tender USS Canopus (AS-9), Asiatic Fleet; scuttled in Mariveles Bay, Bataan, Philippines 10 Apr 1942; crew went ashore to Corregidor Is.; KIA 6 May 1942 near the water tower on Monkey Pt., Corregidor Is., Manila Bay, Philippines.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† Hartkopf, Paul Otto, SN 37-479-719, US Army Air Force, Cass Co.
- b. 13 Mar 1917 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Otto A. E. Hartkopf & Hazel Sheumaker, both b. Cass Co.
- married Thayne M. Ruppert of Atlantic 1942 in Cass Co., NE.
- entered US Navy V5 program 11 May 1942 from Atlantic, Cass Co. at Kansas City, MO with service number 700-95-28; entered US Army service 17 May 1943 from 709 Elm St., Atlantic; service credited to North Dakota at large; buried Atlantic Cem.
- 848th Bomb. Sqdn., 490th Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Eye, Suffolk, England; Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress #43-38191 Miss Mary Kay waist gunner with pilot Darril F. Roufs; KIA 5 Apr 1945 Goeree Overflakkee Is., SW of Rotterdam, Netherlands; aircraft hit by flak from German naval vessels in Middelharnis Harbor, crashed into water and exploded, crew of nine all died.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Hartwig, Harold William, SN 37-260-353, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 7 Mar 1915 Dunlap, Harrison Co.; s/o Paul R. Hartwig (b. Iowa; d. 1918) & Dessie H. Leytham (b. Shelby Co.); mother married Thomas Howard (d. 1934) in 1921 and moved the family to Co. Bluffs.
- married Veronica A. Baumert of Nebraska Oct 1943 Omaha.
- entered service Sep 1941 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Lorraine American Cem., St. Avold, Lorraine, France.
- Co. I, 357th Inf. Regt., 90th Inf. Div., Third Army; KIA 18 Apr 1945, SE Germany, near Schwartzenbach & Hof, Bavaria.
- The ETO > Central Europe > Southern Germany.
† Hayes, Robert Albert, SN O-1-297-536, US Army, Montgomery Co. & Buchanan Co., MO
- b. 18 Jul 1917 Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; s/o Charles H. Hayes (b. Carroll Co., IL) & Claire H. Karstens (b. Otoe Co., NE; d. 1942).
- moved to St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO late 1930s; married Eleanore Jeanne Roberts of St. Joseph, one child.
- entered service Mar 1942; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. C, 382nd Inf. Regt., 96th Inf. Div., XXIV Corps; KIA 29 Oct 1944 NE of Nagami, Leyte, Philippines.
- Battle for Catmon Hill - Philippines Liberated > Leyte.
† Heberlee, Henry Leroy, SN 17-033-411, US Army Air Force, Guthrie Co.
- b. 9 Dec 1921 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Albert L. Heberlee (b. Montgomery Co.) & Katherine N. Daggett (b. Greene Co., MO); family moved to Guthrie Co. in early 1920s and to Polk Co. in late 1930s.
- entered service 29 Dec 1941 at Fort Des Moines, IA from Des Moines; service credited to unknown county; group burial Fort McPherson Natl. Cem., Maxwell, Lincoln Co., NE with fellow crew members.
- 40th Troop Carrier Sqdn., 317th Troop Carrier Gp., Fifth Air Force, based at Dulag Airfield, Leyte, Philippines; Douglas C-47A Dakota/Skytrain #43-15412 crew chief with pilot Sam T. Barr; d. 5 Mar 1945 en route from Bayug Airfield, Barauen, Leyte to Clark Air Force Base, Luzon, Philippines; aircraft crashed with crew of four and one passenger; all died; bodies later recovered.
- Air Force War with Japan > Fifth Air Force.
† Heckman, Gail Wayne, SN 620-18-37, US Navy, Cass Co.
- b. 7 Jun 1920 rural Anita, Grant Twp., Cass Co., s/o Wilbur H. Heckman Sr. (b. Illinois) & Catharine Lindeman (b. Cass Co.).
- entered service 29 Dec 1941 from Rt. 2, Anita, Cass Co.; next of kin father, Mr. Wilbur H. Heckman, Anito (sic), IA; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, East Coast Memorial, Battery Park, Manhattan, NY; cenotaph Evergreen Cem., Anita, Cass Co.
- armed guard on SS Topa Topa enroute from Port of Spain, Trinidad in the Caribbean to Takoradi in today's Ghana, Africa; KIA 29 Aug 1942 350 miles north of Cayenne, French Guinea; Topa Topa sunk by two torpedoes from German uboat U-66; 18 crew & seven armed guards died, about 35 survived.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
† Heckman, Fred Herman, SN 375-78-78, US Navy, Audubon Co.
- b. 1 Jul 1912 Audubon Twp., SE Audubon Co.
- entered service 9 Jul 1936 at Reno, Washoe Co., NV; next of kin brother Walter Henry Heckman, Rt. 3, Exira, Audubon Co.; body not recovered; NOT FOUND abmc.gov list of missing Oct 2024; cenotaph St. Johns Lutheran Cem., Audubon, Audubon Co.
- Came on board Destroyer USS Chew (DD-106) 9 Jan 1942, reenlisted 9 Jul 1943; still on Chew 9 Nov 1943; transferred to USS Ibex (IX-119), a recently-commissioned floating storage ship, which left San Pedro, CA for Noumea, New Caledonia 23 Jan 1944; d. 24 Jan 1944, swept overboard.
- WWII Japan > The Pacific Bases.
† Heckman, John Phillip, SN 37-118-341, US Army, Audubon Co.
- b. 9 Dec 1906 Audubon Twp., SE Audubon Co., IA.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Audubon Co.; buried Keokuk Natl. Cem., Lee Co., IA.
- Battery C, 437 Anti-Aircraft Bn. (Automatic Weapons), Italy; DOW 15 May 1944 Anzio Beachhead, Lazio, Italy.
- The MTO > Italy > Battle of Anzio.
About Fred Herman & John Phillip Heckman:
- sons of Johan Christian "Chris" Heckmann Jr. (b. Germany; d. 1927) & Anna K. Schwarting (b. Audubon Co.; d. 1916), who farmed in Audubon Twp., SE Audubon Co. Perhaps John died in the Anzio Beachhead hospital.
† Heilig, Kenneth Otto, SN O-1-311-299, US Army, Pierce Co., WA & Crawford Co.
- b. 7 Oct 1913 Tecumseh, Johnson Co., NE; s/o Jesse R. Heilig & Amy A Viele, both b. Nebraska; family moved to Blaine Co., MT in 1916 & also lived in Boise, ID.
- moved to Pierce Co., WA early 1930s; married Jessie C. McLaren of rural Manilla, Crawford Co. 1936.
- entered service 20 Dec 1941 from Pierce Co., WA; service credited to Pierce Co., WA; buried Brittany American Cem., St. James, Manche Dept., Normandy, France.
- 41st Inf. Bn., 2nd Armored Div., XIX Corps, First Army; DOW 13 Aug 1944 SW of Falaise in NW France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Normandy.
- Notes: brother-in-law, William M. McLaren of Crawford Co., died at Battle of Savo Island.
† Hemsted, John, SN 39-925-782, US Army, Cass Co. & Bannock Co., ID
- b. 20 Oct 1913 Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada; s/o Samuel B. Hemsted (b. Pott. Co.) & Nellie I. Donnelly (b. Poweshiek Co.); family moved from rural Griswold, Waveland Twp., Pott. Co. to Saskatchewan in 1910, returning to rural Griswold, Pleasant Twp., Cass Co. about 1925.
- married Mildred M. Watson May 1934, two children; moved to Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID in late 1930s.
- entered service 20 Jun 1944 from Bannock Co., ID; service credited to Cass Co.; buried Atlantic Cem., Cass Co.
- Co. C, 60th Inf. Regt., 9th Inf. Div., V Corps, First Army; KIA 3 Feb 1945 in Monschau Forest between Monschau & Gemünd, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, head wound from artillery shell fragments.
- The ETO > Siegfried Line, 1945 > Roer River Dams.
† Henderson, Harry Gregory, SN 872-01-35, US Navy, Buchanan Co., MO
- b. about 1912 St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO; s/o Grovener Henderson (b. Posey Co., IL; d. 1920) & Mamie I. Euler (b. St. Joseph); mother & brother, Lloyd E. Henderson, lived in Avoca, Pott. Co. during WWII.
- in Buchanan Co., MO 1940; married Annette M. Waechter Jul 1940.
- enlisted 31 Jul 1943 at Omaha; next of kin mother, Mrs. Mamie Euler Henderson, Avoca, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Courts of the Missing, Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Hololulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
- Destroyer USS Halligan (DD-584); KIA 26 May 1945, off Tokashiki Is., west of southern Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan; Halligan hit a naval mine & abandoned; 162 died, 80 survived.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Naval Battle of Okinawa.
† Henderson, Max O., SN 37-485-581, US Army, Pott. Co. & Thayer Co., NE
- b. 17 Mar 1925 Carleton, Thayer Co., NE; s/o Claude M. Henderson & Wilma J. Yoder, both b. Thayer Co.; lived in Logan, Harrison Co. as a child; parents moved to Oakland, Pott. Co. in early 1940s.
- entered service 2 Oct 1943 from Carleton, Thayer Co., NE; service credited to Thayer Co., NE; buried Oak Lawn Cem., Oakland, Pott. Co.
- Co. K, 406th Inf. Regt., 102nd Inf. Div., Ninth Army; KIA 18 Apr 1945, east of Hanover near the Elbe River, Germany.
- The ETO > Central Europe > Central Germany.
† Henderson, Robert William, SN 20-706-543, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 20 Mar 1920 Co. Bluffs; s/o George H. Henderson (b. Union Co.) & Grace O. Gunn (b. Co. Bluffs).
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried North Africa American Cem., Carthage, Tunisia.
- Co. L (Co. Bluffs), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; KIA 16 Feb 1943, Djebel Ksaira, SE of Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia.
- Battle of Sidi Bou Zid - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
- Notes: Father also served in WWII.
† Herrell, George Walter, SN 37-699-107, US Army, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
- b. 29 Aug 1920 Wyandotte, Ottawa Co., OK; s/o Clarence Walter Herrell (b. Page Co.; d. 1930) & Eva L. Greenway (b. Nebraska); mother moved family to Omaha in early 1930s and married Leroy L. Stark.
- married Esther A. Hannibal of Omaha Jan 1939, two children.
- entered service 26 Jun 1944 from Carter Lake, Pott. Co.; service credited to Douglas Co., NE; buried Netherlands American Cem., Margraten, SE of Maastricht, Netherlands.
- Co. A, 60th Armored Inf. Bn., 9th Armored Div., First Army; KIA 31 Mar 1945 attacking Luftwaffe airfield near Fritzlar, SW of Kassel, Germany.
- The ETO > Central Europe > Beyond the Rhine.
- Notes: posthumous Silver Star; son Daniel killed in Vietnam.
- RAC Family History Note: George Herrell was married to my mother's second cousin.
† Hetrick, Jacob Alvin, SN O-733-132, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 16 Jun 1923 York Twp., rural Oakland, Pott. Co.; s/o Ivan Hetrick (b. Oakland, Pott. Co.) & Gladys Madge Potter (b. James Twp., Pott. Co.).
- entered service 24 Feb 1943 from rural Oakland, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; group burial Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem., St. Louis, MO.
- 75th Bomb. Sqdn., 42nd Bomb Gp., Thirteenth Air Force, based at Mar Drome, NE of Sansapor, Vogelkop Peninsula, Netherlands New Guinea as of 14 Sep 1944; North American B-25J Mitchell # xx-xx965 co-pilot (full tail number unknown) with pilot John F. Wolfe; KIA 16 Feb 1945 ten miles east of Kendari, SE Celebes, Dutch Indies; downed by Japanese AA during low-level attack on Kendari airfield.
- Air Force War with Japan > Thirteenth Air Force.