webpage WWII Germany > The ETO > War of Attrition > ETO, September 1944, © 2023 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 30 Dec 2023.
Herein is a brief ETO order of battle for 15 September 1944, the first day of the official Rhineland Campaign.
Herein is a brief ETO order of battle for 15 September 1944, the first day of the official Rhineland Campaign.
The situation, mid-September 1944:
By 15 September 1944, the Allies' late-summer dash across France and Belgium had ended and the fall 1944 war of attrition was beginning.
ETO Order of Battle 15 September 1944
(units are generally listed from clockwise from northwest)
(units are generally listed from clockwise from northwest)
21st Army Group – (Montgomery)
Canadian 1st Army (Crerar)
12th Army Group – (Bradley)
US First Army (Hodges)
6th Army Group – (Devers)
US Seventh Army (Patch)
Canadian 1st Army (Crerar)
- British I Corps
- Canadian II Corps
- British VIII Corps, in rear
- British XII Corps
- British XXX Corps
12th Army Group – (Bradley)
US First Army (Hodges)
- XIX Corps (Corlett --> McLain 15 October)
- VII Corps (Collins)
- V Corps (Gerow)
- XX Corps (Walker)
- XII Corps (Eddy)
- XV Corps (Haislip) --> Seventh Army 29 September
- III Corps (Millikin), entered ETO order of battle with Third Army 10 October
- VIII Corps (Middleton), in Brittany, Third Army --> Ninth Army 5 September
6th Army Group – (Devers)
US Seventh Army (Patch)
- VI Corps (Brooks)
- French First Corps (Bethouart)
- French Second Corps (Monsabert)
Situation Map for 15 September 1944
The accompanying map is the 12th Army Group's situation map for 15 September 1944.
At this time, major ETO activity was in the US First Army sector. Forward elements of VII Corps and V Corps were in combat with the Wehrmacht, which had hastily manned the Siegfried Line after withdrawing from France. About the ETO situation maps:
Sources for Big Pigeon's The ETO > War of Attrition > ETO, 15 September 1944 webpage:
- Most Orders of Battle sources are noted in the Sources list in Big Pigeon's The ETO > ETO Orders of Battle.
- The Allied Front, 15 September 1944, map, - p. 227 of Riviera to the Rhine,
- ETO Situation Map, 15 September 1944,