pubic webpage Home > Project Mgt - Public > Project Overview, updated by RAC 3 Feb 2020.
This public webpage may help a successor in managing It has no interest to the casual visitor.
This public webpage may help a successor in managing It has no interest to the casual visitor.
- This is not an overview of the website.
- This is a high-level summary of the digitized material that I developed during twenty years of genealogical and historical research.
- This material is in the Bob Docs area of my MacBook Pro computer, with most on my website,
- Bob Docs organization tends to parallel organization.
I think of my digitized data as occupying three conceptual levels:
- The raw data, mainly a set of Reunion databases, especially St. Paul's. These Reunion databases are on my computer at Bob Docs:Reunion Files but will not be on the web.
- My reports that draw on the raw data from these Reunion databases. This are usually MS Word .docx files, the older ones without photographs, maps or anecdotal material. Most of these reports are sprinkled throughout Bob Docs in folders containing the word History.
- My website, Big Pigeon, situated at with supporting files at Bob Docs:BP - Big Pigeon. Big Pigeon contains links to the .pdf version of numerous reports.
Here is some organizational information connected with my research and publications:
- Like my previous website, Danish Heritage, Big Pigeon uses Weebly's website builder and hosting.
- I am converting some short .docx reports in Bob Docs history folders to .rtf files in Bob Docs:BP - Big Pigeon. I then import these files into Big Pigeon, where such a file comprises the body of a Big Pigeon webpage.
- Within Big Pigeon, differentiate between a link to a report and a link to another webpage. I tend to use the word "asset" to describe report files, images, and website pages, as well as tangible material such as books.
- I distinguish between Acknowledgments and Resources. Acknowledgments are to individuals or organizations, and are mostly in the Home > Acknowledgments page of Big Pigeon. Resources are references to useful print or on-line material and are mostly in the Resources area of Big Pigeon. However, some longer reports have a section in which I combine the acknowledgments and resources that were helpful in the production of that report.
My project management information is distributed among the subpages of Pigeon Central.
- Looking at the private pages of Pigeon Central, the first several links are to website management pages.
- The remaining private pages tend to focus on the totality of my history projects, website, computer, and paper, and how to wind down these projects after I’m gone.
A Mac user could manage Big Pigeon remotely, without access to my computer. One would need:
- The password to my Weebly account and to the associated E-mail account.
- The password to protected files within Big Pigeon.
- A jump drive containing the appropriate Bob Docs folders and some other folders containing non-textual assets.
— Robert A “Bob” Christiansen, Jan 2020