A Ba-Be Bf-Bq Br-Bz Ca-Cm Cn-Cz D E-F G Ha-He Hf-Hz I-J K L
Ma-Mc Md-Mm Mn-Mz
N-O P Q-R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-We Wf-Wz X-Y-Z
bigpigeon.us webpage WWII Dead > Roster Records > Roster T-U-V, © 2025 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 25 Jan 2025
Part 24/27 of the Pottawattamie Area World War II Dead Roster, 36 "T-U-V" records
† Tague, Francis Alvin, SN 37-084-585, US Army, Mills & Pott. Cos.
† Tague, Harold Fremont, SN 37-111-602, US Army Air Force, Mills & Pott. Cos.
Tague Family Notes:
† Talty, Norbert Leo, SN 39-153-755, US Army, Pott. Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
† Taylor, John Will, SN 37-485-128, US Army, Yalobusha Co., MS & Pott. Co.
† Taylor, Leon Francis Hough, SN 37-120-190, US Army, Harrison & Polk Cos.
† Taylor, Loren Fay, SN 0-692-838, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
† Tedesco, Michael Thomas, SN 0-288-783, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Thies, Melvin Chris, SN 17-063-991, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Thomas, Kenneth Harold, SN 20-706-224, US Army, Mills Co.
† Thomas, Marvin Lyle, SN 0-018-345, US Army, Pott. & Harrison Cos.
† Thompson, Albert Bernard, SN 37-394-633, US Army, Pott. Co. & Howell Co., MO
† Thompson, Harry, SN 37-267-942, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Thompson, Kenneth Boyd SN 0-691-318, US Army Air Force, Howard Co., NE
† Thompson, Robert O’Neal, SN 20-704-031, US Army, Page Co.
† Thomsen, Walter Peter Henry, served as Thomsen Walter P H, SN 37-651-579, US Army, Crawford Co.
† Thoreen, William Fredrick Jr., SN 37-074-553, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Thoreson, Vernon Charles, SN 321-60-87, US Navy, Monona Co.
† Thorne, Chester Oscar, SN 20-706-841, US Army, Montgomery Co. & Tripp Co., SD
† Tinkham, Darl Morgan, SN 37-472-715, US Army, Montgomery & Adams Cos.
† Tipton, John Merkel, SN 17-037-879, US Army, Fremont Co. & Thurston Co., NE
† Tomes, Carlas, SN 39-471-995, US Army, Fremont Co. & Clark Co., WA
† Trobough, Jerome Carroll, SN 37-034-015, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
† Troth, Russell Edwin, SN 39-280-003, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Trowbridge, Marion Duane, SN 17-011-556, US Army Air Force, Harrison Co.
† Turner, Floyd Vernon, SN 620-75-72, US Navy, Cass Co.
† Uballe, Joseph J., SN 6-935-989, US Army Air Force, Boone Co.
† Unmack, Paul Eugene, SN 390-96-96, US Navy, Pott. & Harrison Cos.
† Vanderhoof, George Duane, SN 37-466-726, US Army, Montgomery Co.
† Vanderpool, Clifford Sidney, SN 37-739-404, US Army, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
† Vaughan, Orel E., SN 37-451-222, US Army, Pennington Co., SD
† Vermuele, Lyle William, SN 37-694-509, US Army, Carroll Co.
† Vernon, Glenn Oren, SN 37-483-550, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Viberg, Oscar Nels, SN 20-704-218, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Vickroy, John Marvin, SN 19-100-198, US Army, Montgomery Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
† Viether, Earl Edward, SN 36-782-812, US Army, Cass Co. & Rock Island Co., IL
† Viether, Orville Otto, SN 36-478-542, US Army, Cass Co & Rock Island Co., IL
Viether Family Notes:
- b. 24 Jan 1919 Chambers, Holt Co., NE.
- entered service 2 Oct 1941 from Malvern, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- Co. C, 163rd Inf. Regt., 41st Inf. Div.; KIA 15 Jan 1943 at Perimeter R, Soputa-Sanananda Track, W of Buna, New Guinea; died with Herman Staub.
- Buna Campaign - South & SW Pacific > SE New Guinea, Papua.
† Tague, Harold Fremont, SN 37-111-602, US Army Air Force, Mills & Pott. Cos.
- b. 28 Feb 1915 Salix, Woodbury Co.
- entered service 1 Jan 1942 from Malvern, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; group burial Fort McPherson Natl. Cem., Maxwell, Lincoln Co., Nebraska (individual remains are now identified; some may have been reinterred elsewhere).
- 390th Bomb. Sqdn., 42nd Bomb Gp., Thirteenth Air Force, based on Banika, Russell Is., NW of Guadalcanal, staging from Stirling Airfield, Treasury Is., sout of Bougainville, Solomon Is.; North American B-25C Mitchell #42-64570 Skilla engineer-gunner with pilot Earl Swartzfader; KIA 20 Jan 1944, south of Rabaul, New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago; aircraft damaged by AA fire while attacking Vunakanau Airfield, later lost control and crashed followed by a fireball; all six died.
- Operation Cartwheel - Air Force War with Japan > Thirteenth Air Force.
Tague Family Notes:
- the brothers Francis and Harold Tague were sons of s/o Andrew J. Tague (b. Harlan, Shelby Co.) & Caroline F. Barnes (b. Missouri; d. 1919).
- the Tague family lived in various locations, including Holt Co., NE and Cherokee and Woodbury Cos. before moving to Malvern, Mills Co. in the late 1930s.
- after their mother's death, their father married Eve Mabel "Evvy" (Kidder) Tipton Oct 1919 in Cherokee Co.; she d. 1940; father moved to Co. Bluffs in mid-1940s.
- the Tague brothers appear on the Pottawattamie County Honor List of WWII Dead.
† Talty, Norbert Leo, SN 39-153-755, US Army, Pott. Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
- b. 21 Apr 1911 Massena, Lincoln Twp., Cass Co.; s/o John H. Talty (b. Rock Island Co., IL; d. 1922) & Martha C. Waters (b. Illinois); family moved to rural Minden, Pott. Co. about 1914 and to Neola, Pott. Co. about 1920.
- moved to Inglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA in late 1930s.
- entered service 5 Mar 1941 from Neola, Pott. Co.; service credited to Los Angeles Co., CA; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- Battery B, 213th Field Artillery Bn., 40th Inf. Div.; DOW 19 May 1945 Negros Is., Philippines; hit by rock kicked up by an exploding shell, d. soon thereafter.
- Philippines Liberated > Southern Philippines.
† Taylor, John Will, SN 37-485-128, US Army, Yalobusha Co., MS & Pott. Co.
- b. about 12 Aug 1920 Coffeyville, Yalobusha Co., MS; s/o Sell Taylor & Minnie Rounsaville, both b Mississippi; parents divorced; brother of Lucius D. Taylor & Beatrice Jones of Co. Bluffs.
- employed at Illinois Central round house in Co. Bluffs.
- registered for draft in Co. Bluffs 1940; entered service 23 Aug 1943; buried Plot E, Oise-Aisne American Cem., Fere-en-Tardenois, France.
- Co. D, 371st Inf. Regt., 92nd Inf. Div., IV Corps, Fifth Army; d. 20 Mar 1945 at Aversa, near Naples, Italy; executed on 23 Jan 1945, at Pietrasanta, northern Tuscany, Italy for killing a troublesome fellow-soldier, PFC Earl Johnson.
- The MTO > MTO Comm. Zone.
- Notes: Military Justice was not exactly blind in the US Army in Europe in WW II. According to one source, 93 were executed for rape and murder, one (Eddie Slovik) for desertion. Of the 94 executions, 87 were Black.
† Taylor, Leon Francis Hough, SN 37-120-190, US Army, Harrison & Polk Cos.
- b. 15 Nov 1922 Co. Bluffs; s/o Sarah Helen Hough of Hazel Dell Twp., Pott. Co.; adopted by Hamil D. "Hamie" Siler (b. Sangamon Co., IL) & Opal F. Nelson (b. Dunlap Harrison Co.); in Harrison Co. 1925; adoptive parents divorced late 1920s, father moved to Omaha and married Ethel Irene _____; mother married Willie T. Taylor of Dunlap Harrison Co. in 1930; Taylor family moved from Dunlap to Des Moines in early 1940s.
- Leon's location unknown in 1930s, in Omaha in 1941.
- entered service 7 Nov 1941 from Rt. 1, Woodbine, Harrison Co.; service credited to Polk Co.; buried Henri-Chapelle American Cem., Verviers, SE of Liege, Belgium.
- 36th Armored Inf. Regt., 3rd Armored Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 3 Jan 1945 NW of Houffalize, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Taylor, Loren Fay, SN 0-692-838, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
- b. 22 Jul 1920 rural Grant, Douglas Twp., Montgomery Co.; s/o Seymour L. Taylor (b. Adams Co.) & Lenora M. Towne (b. Massena, Cass Co.).
- living with parents in Douglas Twp., Montgomery Co. in 1940; entered service at Omaha 7 Jun 1942; service credited to unknown county; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines; cenotaph Grant Cem., Montgomery Co.
- 373rd Bomb. Sqdn., 308th Bomb. Gp., Fourteenth Air Force; squadron based apart from rest of group at Luliang Airfield, Yunnan, China; Consolidated B-24L Liberator #44-41448 pilot; KIA 11 Feb 1945; during raid against Japanese shipping in the Tonkin Gulf off French Indo-China, the aircraft developed a fuel tank leak & #3 engine fire (the one survivor reported hit by anti-aircraft fire); aircraft lost altitude & crew bailed out near Kai-Bo Island, east of Hanoi; one survivor from crew of eleven.
- China-Burma-India Theater > China, 1941-45.
† Tedesco, Michael Thomas, SN 0-288-783, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 12 Jan 1899 Pittsburg, Allegheny Co., PA; s/o Salvatore Giuseppe “Tom” Tedesco & Maria Caterina Scibetta, both b. Sicily; raised in Co. Bluffs; remained in Co. Bluffs through 1920s; married Hattie Modjeska; in Cincinnati, OH 1935 & 1940.
- entered service from and service credited to Licking Co., OH; buried St. Joseph Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- physician; d. 16 Apr 1945, Camp Hood, near Killeen, Bell Co., TX; peritonitis from appendicitis.
- Notes: Also served in WWI.
† Thies, Melvin Chris, SN 17-063-991, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 10 Mar 1919 rural Minden, Pott. Co.; s/o Charles Thies (b. Pleasant Twp., Pott. Co.) & Mary Storjohann (b. Harrison Co.); family lived in SW Pleasant Twp. SE of Minden and SW of Avoca.
- entered service 17 Oct 1942 from Rt. 2, Avoca, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; group burial Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem., St. Louis, MO.
- 345th Bomb. Sqdn., 98th Bomb. Gp., Fifteenth Air Force, based at Lecce Airfield, SE of Brindisi, Apulia, Italy; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #42-95463 tail gunner; KIA 15 Jul 1944, over Ploesti, Romania; nose section of aircraft blown off by flak; at least four died.
- The MTO > MTO Air War.
† Thomas, Kenneth Harold, SN 20-706-224, US Army, Mills Co.
- b. 1 Mar 1921 Hatfield, Harrison Co., Missouri; s/o Leonard C. Thomas (d. 1924) & Mary A. Henson, both b. Harrison Co., MO; mother married Alva P. Romesburg 1924 in Bates Co., MO and Raymond Downen Aug 1933 in Bates Co.; Downen family lived in Rich Hill, Bates Co. in 1940 and in Co. Bluffs during WWII.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Fort Leavenworth Natl. Cem., Leavenworth Co., KS.
- Co. I (Glenwood), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div.; detached to British 6th Commando Battalion; KIA 22 Nov 1942 NE Algeria.
- The MTO > North Africa > Race to Tunis.
† Thomas, Marvin Lyle, SN 0-018-345, US Army, Pott. & Harrison Cos.
- b. 20 Sep 1905 rural Neola, Union Twp., Harrison Co., IA; s/o William E. Thomas (b. Sacramento Co., CA; d. 1930) & Rose Etta Sellers (b. Persia, Harrison Co.; d. 1936); family lived in rural Neola, Union Twp., Harrison Co., & also lived in Co. Bluffs during part of the 1920s.
- married Mary G. Govatos of Delaware Jun 1935 in Wilmington, DE, two children.
- entered service 1931; service credited to Pott. Co.; cremated, ashes buried West Point Post Cem., Orange Co., NY.
- unit unknown, Army Corps of Engineers; d. 19 May 1943, Los Angeles Co., CA.
- Note: US Military Academy, West Point, class of 1931.
† Thompson, Albert Bernard, SN 37-394-633, US Army, Pott. Co. & Howell Co., MO
- b. 21 Feb 1921 Oregon Co., MO; s/o Robert Martin Thompson (b. Howell Co., MO) & Alma N. Fisher (b. Oregon Co., MO); family moved from Oregon Co. to Howell Co. in 1940s.
- married Hannah Eileen Vallier of Pott. Co.; lived in Co. Bluffs two years before military service.
- entered service 29 Oct 1942 at Jefferson Barracks, MO from Oregon Co., MO, service credited to Howell Co., MO; buried New Hope Cem., Howell Co.
- Co. A, 12th Engr. Combat Bn., 8th Inf. Div., VIII Corps, Third Army; KIA 30 Aug 1944 near Brest, Brittany, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Brittany.
† Thompson, Harry, SN 37-267-942, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 5 May 1922 Co. Bluffs; s/o Andrew P. Thompson & Maren Larsen, both b. Denmark.
- entered service 14 Oct 1942 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Walnut Hill Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 53rd Bomb. Sqdn., 46th Bomb. Gp. (Light), Operational Training Unit at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City, OK; d. 12 Jun 1943, Enid, Garfield Co., OK; truck accident.
† Thompson, Kenneth Boyd SN 0-691-318, US Army Air Force, Howard Co., NE
- b. 12 Aug 1921 Talmage, Otoe Co., NE; s/o Theodore M. Thompson (b. Johnson Co., NE) & Lucille M. Kreimer (b. Otoe Co., NE); family moved to Howard Co., NE in early 1930s and to Dannebrog, Howard Co. in 1935; married Charlotte V. Hannibal of Dannebrog Dec 1943 in Boise, Ada Co., ID.
- unknown service entry data; buried in Lars Hannibal plot, Oak Ridge Cem., Dannebrog, Howard Co., NE.
- Combat Crew Training Sqdn., 332nd Base Unit, Lake Charles Army Airfield, LA; Martin TB-26C Marauder #41-35129 pilot; d. 16 Oct 1944 Lake Charles Army Hospital, Calcasieu Parish, LA; aircraft had engine failure and crashed after takeoff; all six died.
† Thompson, Robert O’Neal, SN 20-704-031, US Army, Page Co.
- b. 12 Oct 1920 Clarinda, Page Co.; s/o Harry N. Thompson (b. Clarinda, Page Co.) & Bessie J. Meads (b. Page Co.); parents separated when Robert was a child, father moved to Salem, OR and mother remainrf in Clarinda and raised Robert and his brother.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Clarinda, Page Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co. (no known Montgomery Co. connection); buried Ardennes American Cem., Neupre, SW of Liege, Belgium.
- Anti-tank Co. (Clarinda), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; captured 16/17 Feb 1943 near Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia; sent to Stalag 3B in east Germany; DNB 22 Dec 1944 Stalag 3B, Fürstenberg am Oder, Brandenberg, Germany.
- Battle of Sidi Bou Zid - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Thomsen, Walter Peter Henry, served as Thomsen Walter P H, SN 37-651-579, US Army, Crawford Co.
- b. 16 Sep 1922 Dow City, Crawford Co.; s/o Peter H. Thomsen (b. Germany) & Anna Lochmiller (b. Arion, Crawford Co.).
- married Lucille A. "Lucy" Jones of Dunlap, Harrison Co. Jul 1941 in Washington Co., NE, two children.
- entered service 28 Dec 1942 from Dow City, Crawford Co.; service credited to Crawford Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, Sicily-Rome American Cem., Nettuno, Lazio, Italy; cenotaph, Dow City Cem., Crawford Co.
- 83rd Chemical Bn., VI Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 26 Jan 1944 off Anzio Beachhead, Lazio, Italy; HMS LST-422 en route from Naples, Italy drifted into a German mine field during heavy winds, hit a mine, and burned intensely; 454 American soldiers and 29 British sailors died.
- Battle of Anzio - The MTO > MTO Sea War.
† Thoreen, William Fredrick Jr., SN 37-074-553, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 30 Nov 1919 Omaha; s/o William G. Thoreen (b. Sweden) & Mary E. Collier (b. Knoxville, Marion Co.); family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1930s.
- entered service 1 Oct 1941 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Graceland Park Cem., Omaha.
- Battery C., 171st Field Artillery Bn., 45th Inf. Div., VI Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 28 Mar 1944 Anzio Beachhead, Lazio, Italy.
- The MTO > Italy > Battle of Anzio.
† Thoreson, Vernon Charles, SN 321-60-87, US Navy, Monona Co.
- b. 23 Feb 1920 Soldier, Monona Co.; s/o Martin J. Thoreson & Florence I. Burke, both b. Monona Co.
- married Cleo E. Wallis of River Sioux, Harrison Co. 1943, one child.
- entered service 23 Feb 1941 from Ute, Monona Co.; next of kin wife, Mrs. Cleo Elizabeth Thoreson, Little Sioux, IA; buried Soldier Lutheran Cem., Monona Co.
- USS Mugford (DD-389), Task Force 38; KIA 5 Dec 1944, Surigao Strait, south of Leyte Gulf, Philippines; kamikaze attack, eight died, ship survived.
- Naval War with Japan > Third & Fifth Fleets.
† Thorne, Chester Oscar, SN 20-706-841, US Army, Montgomery Co. & Tripp Co., SD
- b. 2 Mar 1914 Co. Bluffs; s/o Oscar G. Thorne & Walborg Johnson, both b. Sweden; family lived in Tripp Co., SD before moving to rural Red Oak, Montgomery Co. about 1935.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Rt. 2. Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. M (Red Oak), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; DOW 27 Apr 1943, northern Tunisia, North Africa; accidental gunshot.
- The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Tinkham, Darl Morgan, SN 37-472-715, US Army, Montgomery & Adams Cos.
- b. 7 Sep 1915 Farragut, Fremont Co.; s/o Benjamin R. Tinkham (b. Nucknolls Co., NE) & Laura F. McBrien (b. Holt Co., MO); family moved to Omaha before 1920, to Creston, Union Co. before 1925, and to Corning, Adams Co before 1935.
- married Theresa R. Nash of Red Oak Mar 1940 in Creston, Union Co.
- entered service 17 Feb 1943 while working in Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. C, 143rd Inf. Regt., 36th Inf. Div., VI Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 17 Oct 1944 east of Epinal, Vosges Dept., Lorraine, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Seventh Army.
† Tipton, John Merkel, SN 17-037-879, US Army, Fremont Co. & Thurston Co., NE
- b. 31 May 1920 Walthill, Thurston Co., NE; s/o Lawrence D. Tipton (b. Thurston Co.) & Delores H. Liggett (b. Whiting, Monona Co.); family moved to Tabor, Fremont Co. in early 1941 & returned to Thurston Co. after John entered service.
- entered service 15 Dec 1941 from Tabor, Fremont Co.; service credited to Fremont Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Walthill, NE.
- detachment, 72nd Liaison Sqdn., based at Camp Crowder, Neosho, Newton Co., MO; Stinson L-5 Sentinel #42-98368 pilot; d. 28 Jan 1944 Camp Crowder; aircraft crashed after loss of control and was damaged beyond repair; head injuries.
† Tomes, Carlas, SN 39-471-995, US Army, Fremont Co. & Clark Co., WA
- b. 18 Jun 1915 Edmonson Co., KY; s/o Cordes Tomes & Stella Saling, both b. Edmonson Co.; family moved to Tabor area about 1917; parents lived in Clark Co., WA in early 1940s.
- married Velma Dorothy Foster of Fremont Co. Mar 1935 in Holt Co., MO, three children.
- entered service 20 Mar 1944 from Rt. 2, Tabor, Fremont Co.; service credited to Clark Co., WA; buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multonomah Co., OR.
- 39th Inf. Regt., 9th Inf. Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 12 Dec 1944 Jüngersdorf, west of Düren, Germany.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Queen/Hürtgen.
† Trobough, Jerome Carroll, SN 37-034-015, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
- b. 13 Mar 1916 Avoca, Pott. Co.; s/o Albert C. Trobough (b. Co. Bluffs) & Katherine Zita Carroll (b. Avoca, Pott. Co.); family moved to Omaha in early 1930s.
- married Catherine A. Knight of Omaha Feb 1944 in Douglas Co., NE.
- entered service from Douglas Co., NE; service credited to Douglas Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 72nd Bomb. Sqdn., 5th Bomb Gp., Thirteenth Air Force, based at Momote, Admiralty Is; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #42-73458 flight engineer with pilot John H. Smith; KIA 9 Aug 1944 near Momote; aircraft lost engine power and ditched near base returning from mission over Yap, Caroline Is., nine died, two lived.
- Air Force War with Japan > Thirteenth Air Force.
† Troth, Russell Edwin, SN 39-280-003, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 21 Mar 1923 Co. Bluffs; s/o Andrew P. Troth (b. Oregon; d. 1930) & Jennie E. Bates (b. Webster Co., NE); mother married James W Donahoe in Feb 1933 in Sarpy Co., NE; Donahoe family moved to San Diego, CA in late 1930s and returned to Co. Bluffs in late 1940s.
- lived with brother-in-law and sister in Council Bluffs in 1940; moved to California after high school graduation in 1942.
- entered service 4 Feb 1943 from Co. Bluffs, service credited to San Diego Co., CA; buried Walnut Hill Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Hq. Co., 2nd Bn., 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps, Fifth Army; KIA 14 Feb 1944, near Cassino, Lazio, Italy.
- First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > At the Gustav Line.
† Trowbridge, Marion Duane, SN 17-011-556, US Army Air Force, Harrison Co.
- b. 22 Jul 1919 Logan, Harrison Co.; s/o Claude E. Trowbridge (b. Lee Co., IL) & Lois S. Stacy (b. Logan, Harrison Co.); family remained in Logan.
- married Dorothy A. Likens of Portland, OR 1 Nov 1942, one child.
- entered service 5 Oct 1940 from Logan, Harrison Co.; buried Logan Cem.
- 44th Army Air Force Base Unit, Portland Army Air Field, Oregon; d. 20 Jul 1943 in Portland area; Cessna Bobcat UC-78B #42-58155 with pilot Nelson D. Jenkins crash, all four died.
† Turner, Floyd Vernon, SN 620-75-72, US Navy, Cass Co.
- b. 25 Dec 1920 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Ora V. Turner (b. Brayton, Audubon Co.) & Lela M. Jones (b. Cass Co.); family lived in rural Cass Co.
- entered service 28 Jul 1942 from Rt. 1, Atlantic, Cass Co.; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora V. Turner, RFD 1, Atlantic, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- Light cruiser USS Helena (CL-50); KIA 6 Jul 1943 Kula Gulf between New Georgia & Kolombangara Is., Solomon Is.; Helena sunk by Japanese destroyer torpedoes, 168 died.
- First Battle of Kula Gulf - South & SW Pacific > Solomons Naval War.
† Uballe, Joseph J., SN 6-935-989, US Army Air Force, Boone Co.
- b. 19 Mar 1921 Audubon, Audubon Co.; s/o Libardo "Lee" Uballe (d. 1943) & Tomasa Mireles, both b. Mexico; family moved to Boone, Boone Co. area in early 1920s.
- entered service 1 Dec 1939 from Boone, Boone Co.; service credited to Boone Co.; group burial Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem., St. Louis Co., MO.
- 28th Material Sqdn., 20th Air Base Gp., Nichols Field, Luzon, Philippines; POW from the 1942 Fall of the Philippines; d. 14 Dec 1944 Puerto Princessa, Palawan, Philippines; one of about 139 POWs burned to death in the Palawan Massacre.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† Unmack, Paul Eugene, SN 390-96-96, US Navy, Pott. & Harrison Cos.
- b. 14 May 1916 Magnolia Twp., Harrison Co.; s/o Charles J. Unmack (b. Magnolia, Harrison Co.) & Otta Maud Robertson (b. Neola, Pott. Co.); parents divorced in late 1920s and moved to Logan, Harrison Co.; mother & children moved to Co. Bluffs in 1937 and to Waterloo, Black Hawk Co. in 1940.
- entered service 19 Aug 1942 from Waterloo, Black Hawk Co.; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Machinist Mate's School, Navy V-12 program, North Dakota State College of Science, Wahpeton, Richland Co., ND; d. 22 Nov 1942 Wahpeton after 11 days hospitalization; pneumonia.
† Vanderhoof, George Duane, SN 37-466-726, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 24 Feb 1922 Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; s/o Dewey G. Vanderhoof (b. Oneida Co., NY) & Georgia B. Bailey (b. Red Oak, Montgomery Co.).
- married Selma V. Christianson of Shenandoah, Page Co. Feb 1941 in Red Oak, one child.
- entered service 15 Dec 1942 from Rt. 3, Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. K, 26th Inf. Regt., 1st Inf. Div., Seventh Army; KIA 26 Jul 1943 in Sicily.
- Operation Husky - The MTO > Italy > Sicily.
† Vanderpool, Clifford Sidney, SN 37-739-404, US Army, Pott. Co. & Douglas Co., NE
- b. 30 Oct 1911 Iowa City, Johnson Co.; s/o Clarence E. Vanderpool (b. Pacific Jct., Mills Co.) & Pearl E. Moore (b. Stanton, Montgomery Co.); family lived in Pacific Jct. until early 1920s, then moved to Hazel Dell Twp., Pott. Co. and then Bentley, Pott. Co. area.
- moved to Omaha about 1930; married Erma Doris Barritt of Nebraska 1931 Oct 1931 in Plattsmouth, Cass Co., NE, one child.
- entered service 4 Apr 1944 from Omaha; service credited to Douglas Co., NE; buried Luxembourg American Cem., Hamm, Luxembourg.
- 15th Tank Bn., 6th Armored Div., III Corps, Third Army; KIA 7 Jan 1945, east of Bastogne, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
- Notes: Clifford Vanderpool had ten sisters and no brothers.
† Vaughan, Orel E., SN 37-451-222, US Army, Pennington Co., SD
- b. 19 Jul 1919 Sturgis, Meade Co., SD; s/o Joel M. Vaughan (b. Rock Port, Atchison Co., MO) & Rhoda F. Vaughan (b. Salina, Saline Co., KS); family lived in Rapid City, Pennington Co., SD, moving to Co. Bluffs area in 1940s.
- entered service 25 Jul 1942 from Pennington Co., SD; service credited to Pennington Co.; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Medical Detachment, 357th Inf. Regt., 90th Inf. Div., III Corps, Third Army; KIA 11 Jan 1945, near Doncols & Sonlez, NW Luxembourg, SE of Bastogne, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Vermuele, Lyle William, SN 37-694-509, US Army, Carroll Co.
- b. 29 Aug 1917 Lake City, Crawford Co.; s/o Franklin P. "Frank" Vermuele (b. Audubon Co.) & Sarah Dillivan (b. Lake City); family moved nearby to Lanesboro, Jasper Twp. in NE Carroll Co. in early 1920s.
- married Evelyn F. Hall of Carroll Co. Mar 1940 in Rockwell City, Calhoun Co., two children.
- entered service 4 Apr 1944 from rural Glidden, Carroll Co.; service credited to Carroll Co.; buried Lanesboro Cem., Carroll Co.
- Co. B, 318th Inf. Regt., 80th Inf. Div., XII Corps, Third Army; DOW 27 Dec 1944, south of Bastogne, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Contained.
† Vernon, Glenn Oren, SN 37-483-550, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 10 Aug 1918 Lewis, Cass Co.; s/o Walter C. Vernon (b. Hall Co., NE) & Sibyl E. Chubick (b. Griswold, Cass Co.); family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1920s.
- married Helen F. Anderson of Co. Bluffs Sep 1938 in Co. Bluffs, one child.
- entered service 3 Aug 1943 from Co. Bluffs; ; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Memorial Park Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 7th Inf. Regt., 3rd Inf. Div., VI Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 3 Nov 1944 St.-Die-des-Vosges, Vosges Dept., Lorraine, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Seventh Army.
† Viberg, Oscar Nels, SN 20-704-218, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 2 Oct 1910 Co. Bluffs; s/o Nels Viberg & Ellen C. Hjerpe, both b. Sweden.
- married Gladys G. (Griffith) Wood of Oakland, Pott. Co. Aug 1942 in Rock Port, Atchison Co., MO, two stepsons.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; no burial information.
- Troop E, 107th Cavalry Regt., headquartered at Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA; d. 1 Mar 1943, rural Petaluma, Sonoma Co., CA; tank overturned on highway.
† Vickroy, John Marvin, SN 19-100-198, US Army, Montgomery Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
- b. 21 Nov 1918 Chariton, Lucas Co.; s/o Arthur V. Vickroy (b. Chariton, Lucas Co.) & Marie L. Bridges (b. Harrison Co., MO); family moved to Red Oak, Montgomery Co. late 1920s, to Sioux Falls, SD late 1930s, & returned to Red Oak by late 1940s.
- entered service 13 Jul 1942 from Los Angeles Co., CA; service credited to Los Angeles Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. A, 355th Inf. Regt., 89th Inf. Div., VIII Corps, Third Army; KIA 28 Mar 1945.
- The ETO > Central Europe > Crossing the Rhine.
† Viether, Earl Edward, SN 36-782-812, US Army, Cass Co. & Rock Island Co., IL
- b. 9 Oct 1925, Atlantic, Cass Co.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Rock Island Co., IL; buried Henri-Chapelle American Cem., Verviers, SE of Liege, Belgium.
- 330th Inf. Regt., 83rd Inf. Div., VII Corps, First Army; attached to 3rd Armored Div. at time of death; KIA 6 Jan 1945 near Malempre, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Viether, Orville Otto, SN 36-478-542, US Army, Cass Co & Rock Island Co., IL
- b. 11 Oct 1923 Atlantic, Cass Co.
- entered service 24 Mar 1943 at Peoria, Peoria Co., IL; service credited to Cass Co., IA; buried Sicily-Rome American Cem., Nettuno, Lazio, Italy.
- 143rd Inf. Regt., 36th Inf. Div.; WIA 17 Jan 1944 near Rapido River, south of Cassino, Lazio, Italy; DOW 24 Jan 1944.
- First Battle of Monte Cassino - The MTO > Italy > At the Gustav Line.
Viether Family Notes:
- brothers Earl Edward & Orville Otto Viether were sons of Henry O. Viether (b. Rock Island Co., IL; d. 1933) & Della M. Timm (b. Davenport, Scott Co.).
- the family lived in the Rock Island, Illinois area, then in Nebraska, and briefly in Wisconsin before moving to Atlantic, Cass Co. in the early 20s; the family returned to Rock Island about 1930.
- Henry & Della had eight children, all sons, six of whom served in WWII.
- After Henry's death, Della married George H. Winters in 1939.