A Ba-Be Bf-Bq Br-Bz Ca-Cm Cn-Cz D E-F G Ha-He Hf-Hz I-J K L
Ma-Mc Md-Mm Mn-Mz
N-O P Q-R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-We Wf-Wz X-Y-Z
bigpigeon.us webpage WWII Dead > Roster Records > Roster Wf-Wz, © 2025 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 6 Feb 2025
Part 26/27 of the Pottawattamie Area World War II Dead Roster, 28 Wf-Wz records
† Widden, Leroy, SN 285,435, US Marine Corps, Lackawanna Co., PA & Cass Co.
† Widows, Harry James Jr., SN 0-771-857, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
† Wigness, Kenneth Eugene, 0-692-842, US Army Air Force, Shelby Co.
† Wilcken, Ono Ain, SN 37-472-752, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Wilcox, Blaine Bertrand, 0-772-098, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
† Wilcox, Stewart La Val, SN T-062-027, US Army Air Force, Mills Co. & Delaware
About Blaine and Stewart Wilcox:
† Williams, Dale Withers Jr., SN 17-078-051, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Williams, Jerry Jerome, SN 37-470-962, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Wilson, Boyd Merrill, SN 37-675-900, US Army, Taylor Co.
† Wilson, Dallas Arnold, SN 37-699-245, US Army, Harrison Co.
† Wilson, John Robert, SN 6-208-886, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Wilson, Joseph Francis, served as Wilson Joseph L, SN 0-1-692-505, US Army, Pott. Co.
about John and Joseph Wilson:
† Windle, Fay Richard, SN 37-485-691, US Army Air Force, Fremont Co.
† Winkel, Robert Leroy, SN 912,315, US Marine Corps, Audubon Co.
† Winslow, Fred Lute John, SN 37-693-036, US Army, Mills Co.
† Winther, Lawrence, SN 37-437-752, US Army, Cass & Audubon Cos.
† Wiseman, Russell Forest, SN 20-706-850, US Army, Montgomery Co.
† Wold, Leslie Wayne, SN 560,533, US Marine Corps, Pott. Co.
† Wood, Charles Emmett Jr., SN 17-041-753, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Wood, Edgar George, SN 37-548-106, US Army, Harrison Co. & Renville Co., MN
† Wood, Fred Joseph, SN 37-428-828, US Army, Harrison Co. & Valley Co., ID
about Edgar and Fred Wood:
† Woods, Duane Lavern, SN 989,388, US Marine Corps, Montgomery Co.
† Wooten, Harry Thomas, SN 37-241-056, US Army, Atchison Co., MO
† Wright, Arlos Edward, SN 37-697-737, US Army, Mills Co.
† Wright, Bruce Ware, SN 39-161-053, US Army, Pott. Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
† Wright, David Frederick, SN 37-036-584, US Army, Crawford Co.
† Wunder, Edmund Earl, SN 321-17-95, US Navy, Shelby Co.
† Wunder, Frank Grant Jr., SN 0-729-400, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 13 Jul 1919 Scranton, Lackawanna Co., PA; s/o Evan Widden (b. Wales) & Margaret Harris (b. England).
- married Elsie M. (Paul) Cranston of Atlantic, Cass Co., IA.
- entered service 14 Jun 1940 from Scranton, PA; next of kin wife, Mrs. Leroy Widden, 608? Chestnut St., Atlantic, IA; buried Long Island Natl. Cem., East Farmingdale, Suffolk Co., NY.
- Battery A, 13th Marine Regt., 5th Marine Div.; DOW 20 Feb 1945 Iwo Jima, Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Battle of Iwo Jima.
† Widows, Harry James Jr., SN 0-771-857, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
- b. 23 Nov 1923 Glenwood, Mills Co.; s/o Harry J. Widows Sr. (b. Harrison Co., MO) & Juanita Fern Jackson (b. Glenwood, Mills Co.).
- entered service 2 Feb 1943 from Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; group burial Jefferson Barracks Natl. Cem., St. Louis, MO.
- 873rd Bomb. Sqdn., 498th Bomb. Gp., XXI Bomber Cmd., Twentieth Air Force based at Isley Field, Saipan, Mariana Is.; Boeing B-29 Superfortress #42-65295 co-pilot with pilot Marvel L. Geer; KIA 29 Apr 1945 Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Kyushu, Japan on a mission to bomb Nyakonojo Airfield, Kyushu; aircraft was attacked by fighters, hit, exploded, and crashed on land, crew of eleven all died.
- US Air Force War with Japan > Twentieth Air Force.
† Wigness, Kenneth Eugene, 0-692-842, US Army Air Force, Shelby Co.
- b. 25 Feb 1921 Harlan, Shelby Co.; s/o Cornelius R. Wigness & Sina Heggens, both b. Norway.
- married Jean M. Preston of Oelwein, Faytette Co. Apr 1943 in Oklahoma City, OK, one child.
- entered service 1 Sep 1943 from Harlan, Shelby Co.; service credited to Shelby Co.; body not recovered; not found abmc.gov; cenotaph Harlan Cem.
- 804th Bomb. Sqdn., 741st Bomb. Gp., Combat Crew Training School, Westover Army Air Field, near Springfield, MA; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #42-7525 pilot; d. 7/8 Apr 1944 off Montauk Pt., Long Island, NY; engine failure followed by crash at sea, all eleven died.
† Wilcken, Ono Ain, SN 37-472-752, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 25 Apr 1924 Itasca Co., MN; s/o Fred J. Wilcken (b. Brown Co., MN) & Alma R. Korff (b. Walsh Co., ND; d. 1931), family moved to Co. Bluffs in late 1930s.
- entered service 9 Feb 1943 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Brittany American Cem., St.-James, Manche Dept., Normandy, France.
- 2nd Inf. Regt., 5th Inf. Div., XX Corps, Third Army; KIA 15 Aug 1944 near Chartres, Eure-et-Loir, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Northern France.
† Wilcox, Blaine Bertrand, 0-772-098, US Army Air Force, Mills Co.
- b. 7 Feb 1918 Glenwood, Mills Co.
- Married Wanda J. Durkee of Glenwood, Mills Co. Jun 1941 in Pacific Jct., Mills Co.
- entered service 2 Feb 1943 from Pacific Jct., Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; group burial of seven Zachary Taylor Natl. Cem., Louisville, KY.
- 613th Bomb. Sqdn. 401st Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Dennethorpe, Northhampshire, England; Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress #42-31801 Son-of-a-Blitz bombardier; KIA 7 Oct 1944, over Politz, between Hamburg & Lubeck, Germany, destroyed by flak, all nine died.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Wilcox, Stewart La Val, SN T-062-027, US Army Air Force, Mills Co. & Delaware
- b. 3 Apr 1923 Oak Twp., Mills Co.
- entered service 26 Jan 1943 from Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Delaware; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, Cambridge American Cem., Coton, Cambridgeshire, England.
- 613 Bomb. Sqdn., 401 Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Dennethorpe, Northhampshire, England; Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress #42-32005 co-pilot; KIA 24 Jul 1944 English Channel; aircraft caught fire returning from raid over St. Lo, Normandy, France on the first day of carpet bombing preliminary to Operation Cobra; all nine bailed out over English Channel, all rescued except for Flight Officer Stewart Wilcox.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
About Blaine and Stewart Wilcox:
- sons of Henry B. Wilcox (b. Glenwood) & Cecil E. Anderson (b. Oak Twp., Mills Co.); family lived in Oak Twp.
† Williams, Dale Withers Jr., SN 17-078-051, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 22 Jan 1923 Co. Bluffs; s/o Dale W. Williams Sr. (b. Douglas Co., OR) & Caroline M. Sellars (b. Custer Co., NE).
- married Marie Antoinette "Alice" Wright of Co. Bluffs.
- entered service 30 Jun 1942 at Fort Crook, Bellevue, NE; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried North Africa American Cem., Carthage, Tunisia.
- 1st Armored Regt., 1st Armored Div., II Corps; DNB 2 May 1943 near Mateur, northern Tunisia.
- The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Williams, Jerry Jerome, SN 37-470-962, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 9 Sep 1923 Co. Bluffs; s/o Glen T. Williams (b. Pott. Co.) & Edith Langstrom (b. Iowa); parents divorced in 1920s.
- married Arlene P. Friedrichsen of Manning, Carroll Co. Feb 1944 in Missouri, one child.
- entered service 15 Jan 1944 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Logan Co., NE for unknown reason; buried Walnut Hill Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 101st Inf. Regt., 26th Inf. Div., XII Corps, Third Army; KIA 9 Nov 1944 east of Nancy, Hill 310, near Arracourt, Meurthe et Moselle Dept., Lorraine, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Third Army.
† Wilson, Boyd Merrill, SN 37-675-900, US Army, Taylor Co.
- b. 8 May 1925 Hastings, Mills Co.; s/o Clyde L. Wilson (b. Jefferson Co., NE) & Mabel A. Colwell (b. Carson, Pott. Co.).
- entered service 13 Aug 1943 from Box 72, Conway, Taylor Co.; service credited to Taylor Co.; buried Ridgewood Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 550th Airborne Infantry Bn., attached to 194th Glider Inf. Regt., 17th Airborne Div., VIII Corps, Third Army during Battle of the Bulge; probably captured 4/5 Jan 1945 near Houmont, west of Bastogne, Luxembourg; DNB 1 Mar 1945 Stalag 8A, on the Neisse River SE of Görlitz, east of Dresden, Saxony, Germany.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Wilson, Dallas Arnold, SN 37-699-245, US Army, Harrison Co.
- b. 19 Nov 1923 rural Persia, Washington Twp., Harrison Co.; s/o William C. Wilson (b. Iowa Co.; d. 1935) & Hattie V. Champlin (b. Persia, Harrison Co.).
- entered service 24 Jun 1944 from Persia, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu, Oahu, HI.
- Co. K, 305th Inf. Regt., 77th Inf. Div.; KIA 13 May 1945 Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Land Battle of Okinawa.
- Notes: Posthumous Silver Star recipient.
† Wilson, John Robert, SN 6-208-886, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 12 Jul 1900 Omaha.
- married Opal L. Holeman of Illinois Dec 1940 in Washoe Co., NV, one child.
- entered service about 1931; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 34th Pursuit Sqdn., 24th Pursuit Gp., Philippines; POW Philippines 1942; DNB 22 Jul 1942 Cabanatuan POW Camp, Nueva Ecija Prov., Luzon, Philippines; malaria.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† Wilson, Joseph Francis, served as Wilson Joseph L, SN 0-1-692-505, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 10 Feb 1915 Co. Bluffs.
- entered service about 1941; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Epinal American Cem., SE of Epinal, Lorraine, France.
- Co. M, 30th Inf. Regt., 3rd Inf. Div., II French Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 16 Dec 1944 near Kaysersburg, NW of Colmar, Alsace, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Alsace/Seventh Army.
- Note: posthumous Distinguished Service Cross.
about John and Joseph Wilson:
- sons of Charles J. Wilson (b. Canada; d. 1942) & Mary E. Quinn (b. Co. Bluffs; d. 1945); family moved from Omaha to Co. Bluffs about 1901; the parents remained in Co. Bluffs until their deaths.
† Windle, Fay Richard, SN 37-485-691, US Army Air Force, Fremont Co.
- b. 21 Jul 1925 Omaha; s/o Walter W. Windle Sr. (b. Virginia) & Golda H. Stattler (b. Bartlett, Fremont Co.); family moved to Bartlett in late 1930s.
- married Lyla Mae Timson of Tabor, Mills & Fremont Cos.
- entered service 14 Sep 1943 from Tabor, Fremont Co.; service credited to Fremont Co.; buried Thurman Cem., Fremont Co.
- unit unknown, stationed at Mountain Home Air Base, Elmore Co., ID; Consolidated B-24J Liberator #42-51482 crew member with pilot Marion Philip Guthrie Jr.; d. 18 Aug 1944 Elmore Co., ID; mid-air collision 10 miles SE of base with Martin AT-23A target tug #42-43356; seven B-24J crew and two AT-23A crew died.
† Winkel, Robert Leroy, SN 912,315, US Marine Corps, Audubon Co.
- b. 22 Aug 1925 Audubon, Audubon Co.; s/o Samuel M. Winkel (b. Shelby Co.) & June E. Kelley (b. Audubon Co.).
- entered service at an unknown date from Audubon, Audubon Co.; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Winkel, 504 1st Ave., Audubon, IA; buried Maple Grove Cem., Audubon.
- Hq. & Service Battery, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regt., 1st Marine Division; KIA 16 Sep 1944 Peleliu Is., Palau Is.
- Battle of Peleliu - Central Pacific > Palau Islands.
- Notes: In WWII, each Marine Corps division included an artillery regiment. The 11th Marine Regiment was the artillery regiment for the 1st Marine Division.
† Winslow, Fred Lute John, SN 37-693-036, US Army, Mills Co.
- b. 15 Sep 1923 Omaha; s/o Truman Fred Winslow (b. Rawles Twp., Mills Co.) & Bernice F. Stacy (b. Pacific Jct., Mills Co.); family lived in or near Glenwood, Mills Co.
- married Betty J. Doan of Glenwood, Mills Co. Mar 1944 in Glenwood.
- entered service 28 Mar 1944 from Rt. 2, Malvern, Mills Co.; buried Luxembourg American Cem., Hamm, Luxembourg.
- Co. K, 318th Inf. Regt., 80th Inf. Div., XII Corps, Third Army; KIA 11 Feb 1945 near Sauer and Our River junction, Luxembourg.
- The ETO > Siegfried Line 1945 > XII Corps to Bitburg.
† Winther, Lawrence, SN 37-437-752, US Army, Cass & Audubon Cos.
- b. 7 Jan 1909 Douglas Twp., Audubon Co.; s/o Jens J. Winther & Marie Jensen, both b. Denmark; family moved from Douglas Twp. to rural Griswold, Noble Twp., Cass Co. in late 1930s and to rural Anita, Benton Twp., Cass Co. in early 1940s.
- living in parents' household in Noble Twp., Cass Co. in 1940; entered service 20 Oct 1942 from rural Anita, Cass Co.; service credited to Cass Co.; buried Ebenezer Cem., Audubon, Audubon Co.
- Battery A., 362 Artillery Bn., 96th Inf. Div.; KIA 7 Apr 1945 near Ginowan, Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan; observer killed by machine gun or mortar.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Land Battle of Okinawa.
† Wiseman, Russell Forest, SN 20-706-850, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 3 Oct 1921 Marceline, Chariton Co., MO; s/o Tobe R. Wiseman (b. Chariton Co., MO) & Mabel B. Hayes (b. Marcelline, MO); family moved to rural Elliott, Pilot Grove Twp., Montgomery Co. in 1920s.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 from Elliott, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, North Africa American Cem., Carthage, Tunisia; cenotaph in Peden Chapel Cem., Clark Twp., Chariton Co., MO.
- Co. M. (Red Oak), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; KIA 16 Feb 1943 SE of Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia.
- Battle of Sidi Bou Zid - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Wold, Leslie Wayne, SN 560,533, US Marine Corps, Pott. Co.
- b. 2 Aug 1926 Omaha; s/o Ludwig C. Wold (b. Clay Co., SD; d. 1937) & Irenia J. Huckert (b. Union Co., SD); family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1930s; mother married William A. Wingate Feb 1940 in Blair, Washington Co., NE.
- entered service 14 Jun 1944 from Co. Bluffs; next of kin mother, Mrs. Irenia J. Wingate, 2528 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA; buried Westlawn-Hillcrest Cem., Omaha.
- 26th Marine Regt., 5th Marine Div.; KIA 3 Mar 1945 Iwo Jima, Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Battle of Iwo Jima.
† Wood, Charles Emmett Jr., SN 17-041-753, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 21 Dec 1913 Co. Bluffs; s/o Charles E. Wood Sr. (b. Morgan Co., OH) & Hattie B. Druen (b. Wisconsin; d. 1918).
- married Eleanor B. Neve of Co. Bluffs Dec 1933 in Co. Bluffs, one child.
- entered service 9 May 1942 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Walnut Hill Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Hq. & Hq. Co., 836 Engineering Aviation Bn.; KIA 30 Oct 1943 Lae, Huon Gulf, New Guinea.
- Operation Cartwheel - South & SW Pacific > NE New Guinea, Lae to Madang.
† Wood, Edgar George, SN 37-548-106, US Army, Harrison Co. & Renville Co., MN
- b. 2 Feb 1920 Woodbine, Harrison Co.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Renville Co., MN; buried Sicily-Rome American Cem., Nettuno, Lazio, Italy.
- 349th Inf. Regt., 88th Inf. Div., Fifth Army; KIA 8 Oct 1944 Italy.
- The MTO > Italy > Northern Apennines.
† Wood, Fred Joseph, SN 37-428-828, US Army, Harrison Co. & Valley Co., ID
- b. 8 Apr 1910 Mondamin, Harrison Co.
- entered service Sep 1942 from Rt. 1, Pisgah, Harrison Co.; serviced credited to Valley Co., ID; buried Sicily-Rome American Cem., Nettuno, Lazio, Italy.
- First Special Services Force; KIA 23 May 1944 Anzio Beachhead, Lazio, Italy.
- The MTO > Italy > Battle of Anzio.
about Edgar and Fred Wood:
- sons of Elmer J. Wood (b. Omaha) & Anna S. Carr (b. Magnolia, Harrison Co.; d. 1937); father married Esther A. (Estabrooks) Hood Sarff Oct 1939 in Woodbine, Harrison Co. and moved to Minnesota in 1940s.
† Woods, Duane Lavern, SN 989,388, US Marine Corps, Montgomery Co.
- b. 15 Mar 1924 rural Henderson, Lincoln Twp., Montgomery Co.; s/o William E. Woods (b. Jackson Co., KS; d. 1927) & Dorothy J. Jones (b. Montgomery Co.).
- married Dorothy D. Warren of Lincoln Twp., Montgomery Co. Sep 1944 at Troy, Doniphan Co., KS.
- entered service 7 Jul 1944 from Rt. 1, Henderson, Montgomery Co.; next of kin wife, Mrs. Duane L. Woods, Box 168, Red Oak, IA; buried Gomer Cem., Wales, Montgomery Co.
- Co. K, 9th Marine Regt., 3rd Marine Div.; wounded on Iwo Jima; DOW early 11 Mar 1945 on Hospital Ship USS Solace (AK-5) en route from Iwo Jima to Guam, Mariana Is.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Battle of Iwo Jima.
† Wooten, Harry Thomas, SN 37-241-056, US Army, Atchison Co., MO
- b. 29 Jul 1923 Watson, Nishnabotna Twp., Atchison Co., MO; s/o Charles W. Wooten (b. Knox Co., TN) & Sadie M. Kingery (b. Worth Co., MO).
- entered service 16 Nov 1942 at Ft. Leavenworth, KS from Watson, Atchison Co., MO; service credited to Atchison Co.; buried Mt. Olive Cem., Hamburg, Fremont Co., IA.
- Co. B., 50th Armored Inf. Bn., 6th Armored Div., III Corps, Third Army; KIA 26 Jan 1945 (official date 27 Jan) serving with Task Force Root near Weiswambach, extreme northern Luxembourg; head wound.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Eliminated.
† Wright, Arlos Edward, SN 37-697-737, US Army, Mills Co.
- b. 24 Feb 1918 at Correctionville, Woodbury Co., IA; s/o Edward W. Wright (b. Correctionville) & Bernice M. Holcomb (b. rural Cushing, Woodbury Co.); family remained in Woodbury Co.
- married Frances L. (Dunn) Dixon of Mills Co. Feb 1939 in Omaha, one step-child.
- entered service 30 May 1944 from Malvern, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Cushing Cem., Woodbury Co.
- Co. K, 399th Inf. Regt., 100th Inf. Div., VI Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 21 Apr 1945 Waldenbronn, near Stuttgart, Germany.
- Central Europe > Southern Germany.
† Wright, Bruce Ware, SN 39-161-053, US Army, Pott. Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
- b. 11 Nov 1916 Co. Bluffs; s/o Pearl O. Wright (b. Lewis, Cass Co.) & Myrtle C. Carey (b. Modale, Harrison Co.); parents divorced 1930s; mother married Fenton C. Shark; Bruce moved from Co. Bluffs to Los Angeles, CA with stepfather and mother in late 1930s; father married Mary N. (Gray) Johnson in 1938 and moved from Co. Bluffs to Los Angeles in 1940s.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Los Angeles Co., CA; buried Inglewood Park Cem., Inglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA.
- 13th Inf. Regt., 8th Inf. Div., VIII Corps, Third Army; KIA 31 Aug 1944 near Brest, Brittany, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Brittany.
† Wright, David Frederick, SN 37-036-584, US Army, Crawford Co.
- b. 12 Oct 1917 Dow City, Crawford Co.; s/o Glenn B. Wright & Agnes E. Malone, both b. Crawford Co.; family moved from Crawford Co. to rural Dunlap, Harrison Co. in late 1930s.
- married Ruby M. Ferguson of rural Dunlap, Grove Twp., Shelby Co. 1944 in Dunlap, Harrison Co., one child.
- entered service 29 Mar 1941 from Rt. 1, Dunlap, Harrison Co., service credited to unknown county; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, Henri-Chapelle American Cem., Verviers, SE of Liege, Belgium.
- 14th Tank Bn., Combat Command B, 9th Armored Div., III Corps, First Army; KIA 1 Mar 1945 in Sievernich-Mülheim area SE of Düren, North Rhine - Westphalia, Germany; tank hit by anti-tank shell, three crew died immediately, the two captured included David F. Wright who died of wounds soon after capture.
- The ETO > To the Rhine > Operation Lumberjack.
† Wunder, Edmund Earl, SN 321-17-95, US Navy, Shelby Co.
- b. 2 Oct 1916 Harlan, Shelby Co.; s/o Herman W. Wunder Sr. (b. Shelby Co.) & Alvena Meves (b. Davenport, Scott Co.).
- entered service 6 Sep 1941 from Harlan, Shelby Co.; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wunder, 111 Court St., Harlan, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- Destroyer USS Laffey (DD-459); KIA 13 Nov 1942 in Ironbottom Sound, north of Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.; Laffey hit by 14” shell from Japanese battleship Hiei & torpedo, then exploded & sank; 59 died, 186 survived.
- First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal - South & SW Pacific > Solomons Naval War.
† Wunder, Frank Grant Jr., SN 0-729-400, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 14 May 1921 Co. Bluffs; s/o Frank A. Wunder (b. Minden Twp., Pott. Co.) & Eola G. Borland (b. Saunders Co., NE).
- entered service 26 Jan 1942 from rural Minden, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 9th Fighter Sqdn., 49th Fighter Gp., Fifth Air Force, based at Dobodura airfields, S of Buna, Papua, New Guinea, staging from Kiriwina Airfield, Trobriand Is.; Lockheed P-38G Lightning #42-12856 pilot; KIA 13 Oct 1943; part of flight of P-38s escorting B-24 bombers for a raid on Rabaul; three P-38s lost, possible collision in cloud bank over Solomon Sea.
- Operation Cartwheel - Air Force War with Japan > Fifth Air Force.
- Notes: Dick Bong, the leading US ace in WW II, was also with the 9th Fighter Squadron in New Guinea in 1943.