A Ba-Be Bf-Bq Br-Bz Ca-Cm Cn-Cz D E-F G Ha-He Hf-Hz I-J K L
Ma-Mc Md-Mm Mn-Mz
N-O P Q-R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-We Wf-Wz X-Y-Z
bigpigeon.us webpage WWII Dead > Roster Records > Roster P, © 2025 by Robert A. Christiansen, updated by RAC 12 Jan 2025
Part 19/27 of the Pottawattamie Area World War II Dead Roster, 38 "P" records
† Pagh, Amos Christian, SN 0-1-325-790, US Army, Douglas Co., NE
† Parker, Arlo Berry, SN 37-195-236, US Army Air Force, Webster Co.
† Parks, George Harvey, SN 0-751-951, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Patton, John A., SN 37-463-856, US Army, Page Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
† Paulsen, Laverne Henry, SN 37-445-364, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Paulsen, Vernon Nels, SN 0-1-308-538, US Army, Shelby Co.
† Paulson, Ralph Loyd, SN 428,145, US Marine Corps, Story Co.
† Pearce, Lawrence Gilbert, SN 37-189-235, US Army, Montgomery Co.
† Pedersen, Oscar Holst (served as Holst, Oscar), SN 37-126-291, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Pedersen, Roy Marion Jr., SN 0-2-071-822, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Pedersen, Silas Clyde, SN 0-1-019-087, US Army, Audubon Co.
† Penewit, Gordon R., SN 20-706-207, US Army, Mills & Pott. Cos.
† Petersen, Marvin Lee, SN 37-752-434, US Army, Audubon Co.
† Peterson, Charles William, SN 37-651-229, US Army Air Force, Harrison Co.
† Peterson, Harlan Howard Luther, SN 0-790-955, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
† Peterson, Harry Earl, SN 37-138-626, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Peterson, Jack, SN 321-78-55, US Navy, Shelby Co.
† Petrus, Richard Marvin, SN 17-148-212, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Pettie, Vernon Gerard, SN 648-57-95, US Navy, Pott. Co.
† Petty, John Clarence Jr., SN 0-281-279, US Army, Polk Co.
† Phillips, George Donald, SN 37-194-330, US Army Air Force, Pott. & Jefferson Cos.
† Phinney, Russell Dayton Jr., SN 20-704-300, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Pierce, Robert Clark, SN 6-825-221, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Pigg, Ronald Orville, SN 0-890-057, US Army, Douglas Co., NE & Los Angeles Co., CA
† Plagge, Harold W., SN 0-1-006-609, US Army, Lake Co., IL
† Platt, Donald Aris, SN 37-193-185, US Army, Montgomery Co.
† Plummer, Kenneth Frank, SN 37-680-558, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Pogge, George Hubert, SN 0-718-974, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
† Points, Leslie Ronald, SN 32-300-054, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Pokett, John Frederick "Jack", SN 37-485-635, US Army, Harrison Co.
† Porter, Harry Edward, SN 620-75-00, US Naval Aviation, Cass Co.
† Porter, John Lewis Jr., SN 39-125-170, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Powell, Oliver Preston Jr., SN 37-420-870, US Army, Harrison Co.
† Prather, Max Armond, SN 37-666-888, US Army Air Force, Clay Co.
† Pratt, Leonard Earl, SN 37-465-244, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Profeda, Louis Anthony, SN 37-139-285, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Punteney, Charles Edward, served at Puntney, Charles E, SN 37-699-132, US Army, Pott. Co.
† Putnam, Robert Edward, served as Putman, Robert E, SN 0-1-318-929, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 1 May 1920 Coulter, Franklin Co.; s/o Hans Pagh & Hilma K. Larsen, both b. Denmark; family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1920s, to Omaha in 1936, and eventually to North Hollywood, Los Angeles Co., CA.
- entered service 21 Mar 1942 from Omaha; service credited to Douglas Co., NE; buried Epinal American Cem., SE of Epinal, Lorraine, France.
- 397th Inf. Regt., 100th Inf. Div., VI Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 14 Nov 1944, near Raon L’Etape, SE of Baccarat, Vosges Dept., Lorraine, France. The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Seventh Army.
- Notes: posthumous Silver Star recipient.
† Parker, Arlo Berry, SN 37-195-236, US Army Air Force, Webster Co.
- b. 16 Jun 1909 Co. Bluffs; s/o Arlo L. Parker (b. Correctionville, Woodbury Co.) & Mary A Cuffe (b. Roberts Co., SD; d. 1943); family moved to South Dakota by 1915 and to Sioux City, Woodbury Co. by 1917; parents divorced before 1920; children lived with mother or mother's relatives; father remained in Sioux City.
- living in Fort Dodge, Webster Co. by 1931; married Eleanor D. Reardon of Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co. Mar 1936 in Webster Co.
- entered service 19 May 1942 from Fort Dodge, Webster Co.; service credited to Webster Co.; buried Memorial Park Cem., Fort Dodge.
- 43rd Bomb. Gp., Fifth Air Force; DNB 7 Jun 1945, 249th General Hospital, Fort Stotsenburg, Luzon, Philippines, cerebral hemorrhage.
- Air Force War with Japan > Fifth Air Force.
† Parks, George Harvey, SN 0-751-951, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 19 Sep 1915 Co. Bluffs; s/o Harvey C. Parks (b. Co. Bluffs) & Anna B. Woodruff (b. Ulster Co., NY).
- enlisted 1942 at Los Angeles, CA from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Walnut Hill Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 717 Bomb. Sqdn., 449 Bomb. Gp., Fifteenth Air Force, based at Grottaglie, near Taranto, Apulia, Italy; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #42-52136 Superstitious Al-o-ysious bombardier; KIA 2 Apr 1944 near Windischgarsten, south of Steyr, Austria; collision with two other B-24s, Peerless Clipper and Miss Behavin; no survivors from crew of ten.
- The MTO > MTO Air War.
† Patton, John A., SN 37-463-856, US Army, Page Co. & Los Angeles Co., CA
- b. 10 Jul 1922 Fremont Co.; s/o George H. Patton (b. Juniata Co., PA; d. 1941) & Emma L. Kelly (b. Summit Co., OH); family moved to Coin, Page Co. vicinity in 1929.
- moved to Omaha to work in late 1930s; worked briefly in Los Angeles Co. before entering service.
- entered service 14 Nov 1942 from Box 205, Coin, Page Co., service credited to Los Angeles Co., CA; buried Henri-Chapelle American Cem., Verviers, SE of Liege, Belgium.
- Co. F, 504th Parachute Inf. Regt., 82nd Airborne Div., XVIII Airborne Corps, attached to First Army; KIA 2 Feb 1945, Siegfried Line, near Udenbreth, SE of Monschau, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
- The ETO > Siegfried Line, 1945 > First US Effort.
† Paulsen, Laverne Henry, SN 37-445-364, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 26 Dec 1921 rural Avoca, Pott Co.; s/o Alfred G. Paulsen & Minnie K. Russmann, both b. rural Avoca, Pott. Co.; family lived SW of Avoca in James Twp. SW.
- living in Henry Russman household in rural Hancock, Valley Twp., Pott. Co. in 1940.
- entered service 27 Nov 1942 from Hancock, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Graceland Cem., Avoca, Pott. Co..
- Recon. Co., 66th Armored Regt., 2nd Armored Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 29 Jul 1944 south of St. Lo, Normandy, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Operation Cobra.
† Paulsen, Vernon Nels, SN 0-1-308-538, US Army, Shelby Co.
- b. 12 May 1915 Jacksonville, Shelby Co.; s/o Nels Peter Paulsen & Dora K. Christensen (d. 1940), both b. Denmark.
- school teacher living in Harlan, Shelby Co. in 1940.
- entered service Jun 1941 from Rt. 2, Harlan, Shelby Co.; buried Harlan Cem.
- Co. H, 324th Inf. Regt., 44th Inf. Div., XV Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 8 Dec 1944 approaching Maginot Line, near Siersthal, west of Bitche, Moselle Dept., Lorraine, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Alsace/Seventh Army.
- Note: The German Wehrmacht used French Maginot Line fortifications around Metz and near Bitche in Lorraine and Alsace to stymie the advancing US Third and Seventh Armies.
† Paulson, Ralph Loyd, SN 428,145, US Marine Corps, Story Co.
- b. 1923 Ames, Story Co.; s/o Melvin B. Paulson (b. Codington Co., SD) & Louise C. Petersen (b. Boomer Twp., Pott. Co.); family lived in Ames; parents divorced.
- entered service 21 Jul 1942 from Ames, Story Co.; next of kin mother, Mrs. Louise C. Paulson, 615 11th St., Ames, IA; buried Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu, Oahu, HI.
- Co. E, 6th Marine Regt., 2nd Marine Div.; KIA 27 Nov 1943 Buariki Is., Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands.
- Battle of Tarawa - Central Pacific > Gilbert Islands.
- Family History Notes: mother was sister of my uncle by marriage, Louis Petersen, and was raised in the Danish-American community west of Neola, Iowa; died with Max Rommel of Pott. & Fremont Cos.
† Pearce, Lawrence Gilbert, SN 37-189-235, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 8 Apr 1920 Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; s/o Carl A. Pearce (b. near Shenandoah, Page Co.) & June E. Hull (b. Iowa).
- service entry data unknown; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Evergreen Cem., Red Oak.
- Co. B, 137th Inf. Regt., 35th Inf. Div., XIX Corps, First Army; KIA 18 Jul 1944 near St. Lo, Normandy, France.
- The ETO > Normandy Campaign > Normandy, July 1944.
† Pedersen, Oscar Holst (served as Holst, Oscar), SN 37-126-291, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 4 Apr 1914 Herning, Midtjylland, Denmark; s/o Jens Holst Pedersen & Else Marie Jensen, both b. & d. in Denmark.
- immigrated to Co. Bluffs; b/o Henry H. Peterson of Co. Bluffs.
- service entry data unknown; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Herning Kirkegaard, Herning, Midjylland, Denmark.
- Battery B, 320th Glider Field Artillery Bn., 82nd Airborne Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 18 Jun 1944, near Douve River west of Ste. Mere-Eglise, Normandy, France.
- The ETO > Normandy Campaign > Normandy, June 1944.
† Pedersen, Roy Marion Jr., SN 0-2-071-822, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 19 Aug 1923 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Roy M. Pedersen (b. Harlan, Shelby Co.) & Zola G. McFarland (b. Atlantic, Cass Co.); family lived in several locations in rural Cass and Pott. Cos. before moving to a farm near Avoca, Pott. Co. in 1938.
- entered service 16 Feb 1943 from rural Avoca, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Atlantic Cem., Cass Co.
- 866th Bomb. Sqdn., 494th Bomb. Gp., Seventh Air Force, based at Yontan, Okinawa; Consolidated B-24J Liberator #44-40680 Lonesome Lady navigator with pilot Thomas C. Cartwright; KIA 28 Jul 1945, over Kure Harbor, Kyushu, Japan; aircraft shot down by flak on mission against Battleship Haruna; Japan.
- Air Force War with Japan > Seventh Air Force.
- Notes: of the crew of ten, Roy M. Pedersen's body was found on nearby land; two, including the pilot, survived as POWs; seven died as POWs 6 Aug 1945 from the Hiroshima atomic bomb. This story is documented in the book, A Date with the Lonesome Lady: A Hiroshima POW Returns, by Thomas C. Cartwright.
† Pedersen, Silas Clyde, SN 0-1-019-087, US Army, Audubon Co.
- b. 20 Jan 1920 Elk Horn, Shelby Co., IA; s/o Soren C. Pedersen (b. Denmark; d. 1938) & Meta M. Gregersen (b. Howard Co.); family moved to Audubon, Audubon Co. in early 1920s and to Kimballton, Audubon Co. in late 1920s.
- married Barbara M. Swanson of Nebraska Apr 1943 in Santa Barbara Co., CA, one child.
- entered service 7 Jan 1942 from Kimballton, Audubon Co., service credited to Audubon Co.; buried Epinal American Cem., SE of Epinal, Lorraine, France.
- 191st Tank Bn., attached to 45th Inf. Div., XV Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 5 Oct 1944 probably NE of Epinal near Rambervillers, Vosges Dept., Lorraine, France during Seventh Army's advance eastward into the Vosges foothills.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Seventh Army.
- Notes: posthumous Silver Star recipient.
† Penewit, Gordon R., SN 20-706-207, US Army, Mills & Pott. Cos.
- b. 29 Sep 1923 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA; s/o Jesse Herman Pennewit (b. Greene Co., OH; d. 1926) & Clela Ida Wilson (b. Decatur Co., d. 1928); came to Carson, Pott. Co. with mother at age 2; raised by grandmother Phebe Wilson and aunt Carrie E. Stone at Carson; moved with Aunt Carrie to Glenwood, Mills Co. in early 1930s.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Glenwood, Mills Co.; service credited to Mills Co.; buried Carson Cem., Pott. Co.
- Co. I (Glenwood), 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div.; detached to British 6th Commando Battalion; KIA 22 Nov 1942, Souk Ahras, NE Algeria.
- The MTO > North Africa > Race to Tunis.
† Petersen, Marvin Lee, SN 37-752-434, US Army, Audubon Co.
- b. 7 Jul 1926 rural Exira, Greeley Twp., Audubon Co.; s/o Arthur B. Petersen (b. Iowa) & Violet L. Esbeck (b. Audubon Co.).
- entered service 19 Sep 1944 from Rt. 3, Exira, Audubon Co.; service credited to Audubon Co.; buried Exira Cem.
- Medical Detachment, 182nd Inf. Regt., Americal (23rd Inf.) Div.; DOW 14 Apr 1945 Cebu Is., Philippines.
- Philippines Liberated > Southern Philippines.
† Peterson, Charles William, SN 37-651-229, US Army Air Force, Harrison Co.
- b. 8 Nov 1920 Woodbine, Harrison Co.; s/o Willie Peterson (b. Portsmouth, Shelby Co.) & Edna L. McGee (b. Woodbine, Harrison Co.).
- entered service 26 Dec 1942 from Woodbine, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Woodbine Cem.
- 49th Bomb. Wing, Fifteenth Air Force; based at Castelluccia,15 km south of Foggia, Italy; invalided to Bruns General Hospital, Santa Fe, NM Apr 1945; d. in hospital 24 Sep 1945, tuberculosis.
† Peterson, Harlan Howard Luther, SN 0-790-955, US Army Air Force, Montgomery Co.
- b. 10 Nov 1920 rural Stanton, Scott Twp., Montgomery Co.; s/o Luther C. Peterson & Hilda E. Lundberg, both b. Montgomery Co..
- married Jean L. Hilbert of Omaha Oct 1942 in Omaha.
- entered service 15 Oct 1941/19 Jan 1942 from Rt. 1, Stanton, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing; Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines; cenotaph Mamrelund Cem., Stanton, Montgomery Co.
- 500th Bomb. Sqdn., 345th Bomb. Gp., Fifth Air Force; based at 7 Mile Drome, near Port Moresby but staging at Dobodura, New Guinea; North American B-25D-1 Mitchell Sorry Satchul #41-30056 pilot; KIA 18 Oct 1943 after skip bombing & strafing attack on Japanese ship at Rabaul, New Britain; unescorted flight of three B-25s attacked by multiple Japanese aircraft, Sorry Satchul and SNAFU shot down, Tondelayo survived; crew of six all died.
- US Air Force War with Japan > Fifth Air Force.
- Notes: The three bomber crews are credited with shooting down multiple Japanese aircraft, and all crew members received Silver Stars.
† Peterson, Harry Earl, SN 37-138-626, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 6 Nov 1908 Hazelton, Emmons Co., ND; s/o William A. Peterson (b. Co. Bluffs) & Dora C. Sergent (b. Sac Co.); family moved to rural Co. Bluffs before 1913.
- married Carrie Irene Moore of Co. Bluffs Dec 1927 in Pott. Co., three children, divorced about 1940; moved to Kansas City, MO in 1930s while wife and children moved to Los Angeles Co., CA; married Opal M. Payne Sep 1941 in Jackson Co., MO.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Garner Twp. Cem., Pott. Co.
- 357th Inf. Regt., 90th Inf. Div., XV Corps, Third Army; KIA 3 Aug 1944 near Avranches, Normandy, France from small arms fire.
- The ETO > Liberation > Normandy.
† Peterson, Jack, SN 321-78-55, US Navy, Shelby Co.
- b. 5 Jun 1924 Harlan, Shelby Co.; s/o Harlan Peterson (b. Harlan) & Ethalyn A. Weimer (b. Irwin, Shelby Co.).
- entered service 22 Jun 1942 from Harlan, Shelby Co.; next of kin father, Mr. Harlan Peterson, 802 4th St., Harlan, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Tablets of the Missing, East Coast Memorial, Battery Park, Manhattan, NY.
- Destroyer USS Brownson (DD-518); DNB 6 Apr 1943, Atlantic Ocean; lost overboard.
- WWII Germany > Battle of the Atlantic.
† Petrus, Richard Marvin, SN 17-148-212, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 14 Jul 1925 Memphis, Shelby Co., TN; s/o John B. Petrus Sr. (b. Alexander Co., IL) & Lyda L. Moore (b. Marshall Co., MS); family moved to Co. Bluffs about 1930.
- entered service 3 Feb 1944 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Cedar Lawn Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 706th Bomb. Sqdn., 466 Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Bungay/Flixton, Suffolk, England; Consolidated B-24 Liberator #42-50790 tail gunner; KIA 11 Apr 1945 SW of Bungay/Flixton; two returning bombers collided, no survivors.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Pettie, Vernon Gerard, SN 648-57-95, US Navy, Pott. Co.
- b. 8 Jul 1923 Co. Bluffs; s/o Sidney R. Pettie (Centerville, Appanoose Co.) & Blanche A. Kinney (b. Omaha).
- married Clara M. Klausmeier of Oklahoma City Mar 1943 in Omaha, one child.
- entered service 19 Oct 1942 from Co. Bluffs; buried Fort Snelling Natl. Cem., Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.
- Fleet Hospital #114, Leyte Gulf, Manicani Is., Guinan, Samar Is., Philippines; d. 8 Apr 1945, Samar Is., drowning.
- WWII Japan > The Pacific Base Areas.
† Petty, John Clarence Jr., SN 0-281-279, US Army, Polk Co.
- b. 1 Mar 1904 Atlantic, Cass Co.; s/o Charles C. Petty (b. Boone, Boone Co.) & Mabel A. Spangler (b. Whiteside Co., IL).
- married Catherine J. Duncan May 1928 in Adel, Dallas Co., four children.
- entered service 10 Feb 1941 from Des Moines; service credited to Polk Co.; buried Highland Cem., Des Moines.
- Commanding Officer, 1st Bn., 168th Inf. Regt., 34th Inf. Div; WIA 1 Feb 1943 2nd Battle of Sened Station, Tunisia; DOW 12 Feb 1943 Tunisia.
- The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Phillips, George Donald, SN 37-194-330, US Army Air Force, Pott. & Jefferson Cos.
- b. 11 Oct 1906 rural Oakland, Pott. Co.; s/o James E. Phillips (d. 1941) & Kate B. Anderson, both b. Oakland area.
- married Eunice Williamson of Pott. Co. Sep 1929; living in Wright Twp., Pott. Co. 1930; moved to Fairfield, Jefferson Co. in early 1930s; divorced 1939; married Marcene M. Duggan Mar 1942 in Schuyler Co., MO.
- entered service 6 May 1942 from Fairfield, Jefferson Co.; service credited to Jefferson Co.; buried North Africa American Cem., Carthage, Tunisia.
- 91st Fighter Sqdn., 81st Fighter Gp., Twelfth Air Force, based at Monastir Airfield, SE of Sousse, 100 miles south of Tunis, Tunisia; group flying Bell P-39 Airacobras; DNB 11 Jul 1943 in hospital, Sfax, Tunisia from rifle bullet in head.
- The MTO > MTO Air War.
† Phinney, Russell Dayton Jr., SN 20-704-300, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 1 Sep 1921 Fort Dodge, Webster Co.; s/o Russell D. Phinney Sr. (b. Drake Co., OH) & Lillian M. Jones (b. Grundy Co.); family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1920s.
- entered service with National Guard 10 Feb 1941 at Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried North Africa American Cem., Carthage, Tunisia.
- 168th Inf. Regt. Band (Co. Bluffs), 34th Inf. Div., II Corps; KIA 18 Feb 1943, Djebel Ksaira, SE of Sidi Bou Zid, Tunisia, North Africa.
- Battle of Sidi Bou Zid - The MTO > North Africa > Tunisia.
† Pierce, Robert Clark, SN 6-825-221, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 14 Dec 1913 Co. Bluffs; s/o Charles Pierce (b. Avoca, Pott. Co.) & Winnie L. Rude (b. Carson, Pott. Co.).
- entered service 14 Dec 1933 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 7th Material Sqdn., 19th Bomb. Gp., Philippines; POW Philippines 1942; DNB 22 Nov 1942, Cabanatuan POW Camp, Nueva Ecija Prov., Luzon, Philippines; beriberi.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† Pigg, Ronald Orville, SN 0-890-057, US Army, Douglas Co., NE & Los Angeles Co., CA
- b. 13 Sep 1911 Massena, Cass Co.; s/o Arthur R. Pigg (b. Massena, Cass Co.) & Myrtle H. Irons (b. Dawson Co., NE; d. 1914); father married Alice Downey 1920; family moved to Omaha in 1920s.
- married Ruth M. Stiver of Des Moines Jul 1935 in Polk Co., IA; civilian Army Corps of Engineers employee who went to the Philippines in 1939 to work on Corregidor Island fortifications in Manila Bay.
- entered service 1 Jan 1942 from Corregidor, Luzon, Philippines; service credited to Los Angeles Co., CA; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- captured with the fall of Corregidor 6 May 1942; KIA 28 Jan 1945 on Japanese hell ship Brazil Maru en route from Okinawa to Japan.
- Japan Lashes Out > The Philippines Lost.
† Plagge, Harold W., SN 0-1-006-609, US Army, Lake Co., IL
- b. 1 Nov 1915 Barrington, Lake Co., IL; s/o Walter B. Plagge & Anna Listhartke, both b. Cook Co., IL.
- married Eloise G. Gregg of rural Oakland, Pott. Co.
- entered service 6 May 1942 from Lake Co., IL, service credited to Cook Co., IL; buried Normandy American Cem., Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France.
- Co. C, 746th Tank Bn., supporting 82nd Airborne Div. VII Corps, First Army; DOW 9 Jun 1944 near Ste.-Mere Eglise, Manche, Normandy, France.
- The ETO > Normandy Campaign > Normandy, June 1944.
- Notes: posthumous Silver Star recipient.
† Platt, Donald Aris, SN 37-193-185, US Army, Montgomery Co.
- b. 20 Jun 1920 Warsaw, Benton Co., MO; s/o Granville M. "Grant" Platt (b. Nicholas Co., KY) & Columbia M. Kidwell (b. Benton Co., MO); family moved to Red Oak, Montgomery Co. in 1928.
- married Dorothy V. Lantz of Montgomery Co., one child.
- entered service 28 Apr 1942 from Rt. 1, Red Oak, Montgomery Co.; service credited to Montgomery Co.; buried Ardennes American Cem., Malpre, SW of Liege, Belgium.
- 67th Armored Regt., 2nd Armored Div., XIX Corps, First Army; KIA 6 Oct 1944, probably near Wurm River, north of Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Aachen.
† Plummer, Kenneth Frank, SN 37-680-558, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 25 Jan 1925 rural Loveland, Boomer Twp., Pott. Co.; s/o Frank W. Plummer (b. near Beebeetown, Harrison Co.) & Hazel E. Jacobsen (b. near Loveland, Pott. Co.); family moved to Co. Bluffs in 1940 and later to Omaha.
- entered service 16 Nov 1943 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Henri-Chapelle American Cem., Verviers, SE of Liege, Belgium.
- 424 Inf. Regt., 106 Inf. Div., XVIII Corps, First Army; KIA 28 Dec 1944 near Manhay, west of St. Vith, Belgium.
- The ETO > Ardennes/The Bulge > The Bulge Contained.
- Notes: When the German Ardennes Counteroffensive began on 16 Dec 1944, the 424th Inf. Regt. was at Winterspelt, Rhineland-Palatine, Germany, near the Belgian border. The other two 106th Inf. Div. regiments, the 422nd and 423rd, were in the Schnee Eifel to the north and were encircled and surrendered on 19 Dec. Meanwhile, the 424th had withdrawn from Winterspelt NW across the Our River to St. Vith, Belgium, where it was attached to the 7th Armored Division and joined the defense of St. Vith. Around 21 Dec, the 424th joined the American withdrawal from St. Vith further west to Manhay.
† Pogge, George Hubert, SN 0-718-974, US Army Air Force, Pott. Co.
- b. 1 Feb 1923 rural Neola, Pott. Co.; s/o Hubert J. Pogge (b. rural Neola, Pott. Co.) & Violet M. Sexton (b. Neola. Pott. Co.); family lived in various locations in Pott. and Shelby Cos., moving to California after 1950.
- entered service 22 Feb 1943 from Rt. 2, Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried St. Joseph Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- 714th Bomb. Sqdn., 448th Bomb. Gp., Eighth Air Force, based at Seething, Norfolk, England; Consolidated B-24H Liberator #42-95134 Lady Margaret navigator with pilot Francis Bodkin; KIA 26 Aug 1944 en route to Ludwigshafen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; aircraft brought down by flak 7 miles west of Ludwigshafen; six died, four survived.
- The ETO > ETO Air War > Eighth Air Force.
† Points, Leslie Ronald, SN 32-300-054, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 26 Dec 1919 Honey Creek, Rockford Twp., Pott. Co.; s/o John C. Points & Maude C. Spencer (d. 1942), both b. Rockford Twp.; family lived in Honey Creek, but were found in the 1930 census living in Missouri Valley, Harrison Co.
- working for the E. I. Du Point Company in New Jersey in 1941; entered service 4 May 1942 from Bergen Co., NJ; service credited to Bergen Co.; buried Lorraine American Cem., St. Avold, Lorraine, France.
- 313th Inf. Regt., 79th Inf. Div., XV Corps, Seventh Army; KIA 29 Sep 1944, Forêt de Parroy, east of Nancy, Meurthe et Moselle Dept., Lorraine, France.
- The ETO > War of Attrition > Lorraine/Seventh Army.
† Pokett, John Frederick "Jack", SN 37-485-635, US Army, Harrison Co.
- b. 28 May 1925 Dunlap, Harrison Co.; s/o Donald C. Pokett Sr. (b. Shelby Co.) & Helen M. Shaffer (b. Crawford Co.); family lived in various locations returning to Harrison Co. 1930; parents divorced; mother married Clarence D. Bauer May 1938 and moved children to Nebraska.
- entered service 4 Oct 1943 from Logan, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Pleasant Hill Cem., Dunlap.
- Co. C, 386th Inf. Regt., 96th Inf. Div.; DOW 10 Apr 1945, Okinawa, Japan.
- Iwo Jima & Okinawa > Land Battle of Okinawa.
† Porter, Harry Edward, SN 620-75-00, US Naval Aviation, Cass Co.
- b. 3 Oct 1924 Lewis, Cass Co.; s/o James C. Porter (b. Jefferson Co., MO) & Ethel M. Livingston (b. Cass Co.).
- entered service 22 Jul 1942 from Lewis, Cass Co.; next of kin parents, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Porter, Lewis, IA; body not recovered; memorialized Courts of the Missing, Natl. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu, Oahu, HI.
- Naval Air Patrol Bomb. Sqdn. VPB 153, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii Territory; Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon BuNo 37101 radioman; KIA 8 May 1945 Kaneohe Bay; aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff on antisubmarine training patrol, all six died.
- WWII Japan > The Pacific Bases.
† Porter, John Lewis Jr., SN 39-125-170, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 30 Nov 1924, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX; s/o John L. Porter Sr. (b. Texas) & Nellie F. Lacy (b. Custer Co., OK); parents divorced; lived in Co. Bluffs with mother and grandfather Amby Lacy in 1940.
- unknown service entry data; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Golden Gate Natl. Cem., San Bruno, San Mateo Co., CA.
- 187th Airborne Regt., 11th Airborne Div.; WIA New Guinea around Jun 1944; DOW 25 Oct 1944 Dibble General Hospital, Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., CA.
- South & SW Pacific > NE New Guinea, Lae to Madang.
† Powell, Oliver Preston Jr., SN 37-420-870, US Army, Harrison Co.
- b. 2 Sep 1921 Mondamin, Harrison Co.; s/o Oliver P. Powell Sr. (d. 1929) & Rilla A. Holley, both born, raised & married in Indiana.
- entered service 5 Jun 1942 from Mondamin, Harrison Co.; service credited to Harrison Co.; buried Oak Grove Cem., Missouri Valley, Harrison Co.
- 38th Inf. Regt., 2nd Inf. Div., VIII Corps, Ninth Army; KIA 9 Sep 1944, near Brest, Brittany, France.
- The ETO > Liberation > Brittany.
† Prather, Max Armond, SN 37-666-888, US Army Air Force, Clay Co.
- b. 12 May 1913/14 Audubon, Audubon Co.; s/o Michael Leroy "Roy" Prather & Inez Heath (d. 1944), both b. Audubon Co.; family lived in Atlantic, Cass Co. in 1920 and moved to Spencer, Clay Co. in early 1920s; parents moved to Benton Co., WA in early 1940s.
- married Alice Elliott 1935 in Spencer; lived in Lakeville Twp., Dickinson Co. in Apr 1940.
- entered service 22 Mar 1943 from Spencer, Clay Co. at Camp Dodge, Johnson, IA with residence given as Hamilton Co., TX; service credited to unknown county; body not recovered; memorialized Walls of the Missing, Manila American Cem., Luzon, Philippines.
- 405th Bomb. Sqdn., 38th Bomb. Gp., detached service with 501st Bomb. Sqdn., 345th Bomb. Gp., Fifth Air Force; North American B-25D Mitchell #41-30604 crew member; d. 30 Aug 1944 Dutch New Guinea; weather reconnaissance flight west from Mokmer Airdrome, Biak Is., Dutch New Guinea to Mapia Atoll, __Asia Is., & Waigeo Is. failed to return; crew of seven lost.
- Air Force War with Japan > Fifth Air Force.
† Pratt, Leonard Earl, SN 37-465-244, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 8 Aug 1920 Crescent, Pott. Co.; s/o Clair Pratt & Maud A. "Verna" Butler, both b. Crescent, Pott. Co.; family lived in Crescent.
- entered service 20 Nov 1942 from Crescent, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott Co.; buried Crescent Cem.
- 8th Inf. Regt., 4th Inf. Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 10 Jul 1944, near Periers, NW of St. Lo, Normandy, France.
- The ETO > Normandy Campaign > Normandy, July 1944.
† Profeda, Louis Anthony, SN 37-139-285, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 12 Sep 1916 Co. Bluffs; s/o Anthony Profeda & Marie Triana, both b. Sicily, Italy; parents married in Sicily & came to Co. Bluffs around 1915.
- entered service 7 Jan 1942 from Co. Bluffs; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried St. Joseph Cem., Co. Bluffs.
- Co. M, 128th Inf. Regt., 32nd Inf. Div.; KIA 22 Nov 1942 near Buna, Papua, New Guinea.
- Buna Campaign - South & SW Pacific > SE New Guinea, Papua.
† Punteney, Charles Edward, served at Puntney, Charles E, SN 37-699-132, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 9 Jan 1913 Vermillion, Marshall Co., KS; s/o Frank M. Punteney (b. Marshall Co., KS) & Clarissa I. Smith (b. Jackson Co., KS); family moved to Co. Bluffs in early 1920s; parents separated with father returning to Marshall Co., KS and mother remaining in Co. Bluffs.
- married Dorothy L. Bownes of Co. Bluffs 1930; lived in Co. Bluffs, six children.
- entered service 26 Jun 1944 from Treynor, Pott. Co.; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Netherlands American Cem., Margraten, SE of Maastricht, Netherlands.
- 33rd Armored Regt., 3rd Armored Div., VII Corps, First Army; KIA 26 Mar 1945 near Altenkirchen, east of Bonn, Germany.
- The ETO > Central Europe > Beyond the Rhine.
† Putnam, Robert Edward, served as Putman, Robert E, SN 0-1-318-929, US Army, Pott. Co.
- b. 6 Oct 1921 Avoca, Pott. Co.; s/o Ernest W. Putnam (b. Lake Co., IL) & Marie W. Greve (b. Avoca, Pott. Co.); family lived in Avoca.
- entered service 12 Nov 1942 at Des Moines; service credited to Pott. Co.; buried Graceland Cem., Avoca, Pott. Co.
- Co. G, 359th Inf. Regt., 90th Inf. Div., XII Corps, Third Army; d. 20 Nov 1945, Sulzbach, east of Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany; handgun accident.
- The ETO > ETO Comm. Zone.